Perform Integrity Check in GigaVUE‑FM

This feature enables the GigaVUE‑FM to perform the integrity check from the GUI and CLI. The integrity check is performed automatically on fresh installation and the reboot of GigaVUE‑FM.

Integrity check validates and ensures that GigaVUE‑FM is not compromised.

You can periodically validate the integrity that exceeds the Common Criteria Standard.

How to run Integrity Check

To run the integrity check, do the following:

1.   Go to > Settings > System > Preferences.
2. In the Security Settings > FM Integrity Check, click the Run button.

When the integrity check is complete, you can view a message notifying you that the run is complete.

If the check gets failed, the GigaVUE‑FM stops working. In such cases, contact customer support to proceed further.

Note:  For FMHA, the Integrity check is validated only in active node.