Create GigaSMART Operations – A Summary

To access GigaSMART within GigaVUE‑FM, access a device that has been added to GigaVUE‑FM from the GigaVUE‑FM interface. GigaSMART appears in the navigation pane of the device view on supported devices. Refer to Access GigaSMART from GigaVUE‑FM for details.

GigaSMART operations require the following steps:

  1. Create GigaSMART groups on the GigaSMART Groups page (select GigaSMART > GigaSMART Groups > GigaSMART Groups)

Use GigaSMART groups to manage and budget GigaSMART processing power. Use the New button on the GigaSMART Group page to create groups of the available GigaSMART ports in a given chassis.

Note:  The GigaSMART engine ports in a GigaSMART group can be on different line cards or modules in the same GigaVUE‑HC2 chassis. However, all GigaSMART engine ports must be on the same chassis.

The number of GigaSMART engine ports are as follows:

o   The GigaSMART-HC0 module includes one GigaSMART engine port.
o   The GigaVUE‑HC1 node includes one GigaSMART engine port.

The number of GigaSMART engine ports available in a chassis depends on the number of GigaSMART line cards in the chassis—up to five in the GigaVUE‑HC2 (four front GigaSMART modules with one GigaSMART engine port each, and one rear GigaSMART module with one GigaSMART engine).

The processing power of the GigaSMART engine ports is as follows:

o   Each GigaSMART port on the GigaSMART-HC0 module can process packets at 40Gb.
o   GigaSMART port on the GigaVUE‑HC1 node can process packets at 20Gb.

GigaSMART engine ports are numbered with an e prefix using <bid/sid/e1..e2> nomenclature – 1/1/e1, for example.

Note:  The ports in a GigaSMART group can be on different line cards or modules in the same GigaVUE‑HC2 chassis. However, they must all be on the same chassis.

Note:  The slot ID for a GigaVUE‑HC1 chassis is fixed at 1.

Note:  The bay ID for a GigaVUE‑HC2 with a rear GigaSMART module is fixed at 5. The bay ID for a GigaVUE‑HC2 with GigaSMART front modules, will be 1 to 4, depending on where the module or modules are installed.

Each GigaSMART operation you create in the next step must be assigned to one of the GigaSMART groups you create in this step. You can select GigaSMARToperation only when the card supports the operation.

  1. Create GigaSMART operations using the GigaSMART Operations page (select GigaSMART > GigaSMART Operations (GSOP))

Give your GigaSMART operation a name, include a valid combination of GigaSMART operations, and assign it to one of the GigaSMART groups created in the previous step.

Refer to How to Combine GigaSMART Operations for details on supported combinations of GigaSMART operations.

You can also configure how (or, in some cases, whether) a GigaSMART operation attaches a trailer that indicates where a packet arrived in the Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline and how it was modified. This trailer can be interpreted using a recent version of the Wireshark® Protocol Analyzer. Refer to GigaSMART Trailer Reference for details on the GigaSMART Trailer.

  1. Apply GigaSMART operations to network ports in maps

The New Map and Edit Map pages contain a GigaSMART Operations (GSOP) field that lets you select a GigaSMART operation to be used in a map. Refer to Manage Maps for details. Keep in mind, however, that GigaSMART operations must be selected before destination tool ports or collector destinations.