Upgrade GigaVUE-FM

This section describes how to upgrade GigaVUE-FM to the latest version in VMware ESXi host, Microsoft HyperV environment, or private cloud environment.


  • Before you upgrade, read Important GigaVUE-FM Upgrade Guidance for special guidelines and caveats related to upgrading from specific versions of GigaVUE-FM.
  • Upgrade requires the underlying processor having AVX instruction set support.

    • Once the GigaVUE-FM is migrated to the host which supports the AVX, the GigaVUE-FM must be power cycled so that the current host's processor flags will be chosen.

  • If GigaVUE-FM is deployed in AWS or Azure, follow the steps in the below mentioned section to upgrade GigaVUE-FM:

At a high level, the upgrade process involves the following steps:

  1. Before starting an upgrade to GigaVUE-FM, get the latest image, upgrade information, and Release Notes from the Software & Release Notes download page (login required) on the Gigamon Community.
  2. Be sure to review the GigaVUE Release Notes for the latest release before performing the upgrade.
    • Ensure your environment supports any specified system requirements.
    • Check the minimum memory requirements in the new release as they may change between releases.
  3. Once the GigaVUE-FM image is obtained, download it to a server within your environment. This must be a server that your current GigaVUE-FM instance can access to upload it.
  4. (Important) Save your current configuration using the facilities provided by the hypervisor before upgrading.
  5. Verify that the GigaVUE-FM instance time is set correctly to ensure accuracy of the trending data that is captured.
  6. Perform the upgrade using either the Command-Line Interface (CLI) or the GigaVUE-FM User Interface (UI).

Upgrade Methods:

■   Upgrade GigaVUE-FM from the GigaVUE-FM CLI
■   Upgrade GigaVUE-FM from the UI