Configure in UCT-C

GigaVUE‑FM allows you to enable or disable the precryption feature.

To configure the precryption feature in UCT-C, follow these steps:

1. Go to Traffic > CONTAINER > Universal Cloud Tap - Container. The Policies page appears.

2. In the Policies page, click Create.

3. In the General tab, enter or select the required information as described in the following table:

Fields Description
Policy Name Enter a name for the Traffic Policy. The name must be unique.
Monitoring Domain Select an existing monitoring domain.

To create a new monitoring domain, refer to Create Monitoring Domain section in the UCT configuration guide.

Only one Precryption Policy is allowed per Monitoring Domain

Connections Select one or more connections for the policy. Once traffic policy is created for monitoring domain, you cannot add or delete connections in a monitoring domain.
Precryption Policy Click the radio button Yes, to enable the Precryption Policy,

After enabling the Precryption, configure the Source Selectors, and the Rules. In this release, for Rules, Pass All option is supported.

Rules and Notes

The following are the memory limits to be applied to the UCT-TAP in case of UCT-C.:

■   The memory limit changes depending on the numbers of VCPUs in the worker node. For example, if the worker node has 16 VCPUs, then the precryption feature consumes around 1GB of memory ((16 * 64 MB).
■   When you deploy secure tunnels, it requires additional (16 *64 MB) memory. Hence, a total memory that you must allocate for the TAP is 1GB.

The YAML configuration option allows you to choose the amount of buffer size.