Install UCT-V on SELinux Enabled Red Hat and CentOS

This section provides instructions on how to install UCT-V on Red Hat and CentOS.


  • For multiple NIC/ENI configuration, you might have to to modify the network configuration files to make sure that the extra NIC/ENI will initialize at boot time.

  • Install the packages Python3 and Python modules such as netifaces, urllib3, and requests.

  • The packages iproute-tc, tc is required for RHEL and CentOS VMs.

  • You must have sudo/root access to edit the UCT-V configuration file.

  • You must ensure that the port 9901 is allowed in the Firewall. This port is required for the communication between UCT-V and UCT-V Controller.


To install UCT-V on Redhat, CentOS, or other RPM-based system using the RPM package, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the following packages from the Gigamon Customer Portal
    • gigamon-gigavue_uctv_6.5.00_x86_64.rpm
  2. Copy the downloaded UCT-V package files to UCT-V.
  3. Install UCT-V package:
    sudo rpm -ivh gigamon-gigavue_uctv_6.5.00_x86_64.rpm
  4. Edit the uctv.conf file to configure the required interface as source/destination for mirror:

    Note:  If you make any changes to the UCT-V agent config file after the initial setup, you need to restart the UCT-V and refresh or synchronize the inventory from GigaVUE-FM to reflect the changes and start traffic mirroring again. However, if you have an ongoing monitoring session that is active and functioning well, modifying the UCT-V config file can cause traffic to be lost until GigaVUE-FM performs an automatic synchronization every 15 minutes.

    # eth0 mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress mirror-dst
    # sudo systemctl status uctv
  5. Reboot the instance.