Install GigaVUE-FM on AWS
You can deploy GigaVUE-FM using the AWS CloudFormation Templates (CFT) found in the AWS Marketplace.
You can launch GigaVUE-FM in AWS using the following method:
- Launch GigaVUE-FM using CFT
Launch GigaVUE-FM from AWS Marketplace
To launch the GigaVUE-FM instance from the AWS Marketplace:
- Login to your AWS account.
- Go to
- In the Search field, type Gigamon and click Search.
- Select the latest GigaVUE Cloud Suite version link from the list for Gigamon products.
- Click Continue to Subscribe. The Subscribe to this software page is displayed, where the complete detail about the product is described.
- Click Continue to Configuration. The Configure this software page is displayed.
- In the Configure this software page, select the following:
- From the Fulfillment option drop-down list, select Auto Deploy GigaVUE-FM using AWS CFT.
- From the Software version drop-down list, select the latest version.
- From the Region drop-down list, select the appropriate region.
- Click Continue to Launch. The Launch this Software page is displayed.
- In the Launch this Software page, from the Choose Action drop-down, select Launch CloudFormation.
- Click Launch. The Create Stack page is displayed.
Configure an AWS CloudFormation Stack
To configure CloudFormation Stack:
- In the Create Stack page, enter or select the following details:
- Specify a Template and Template source for the Stack.
- Click Next. The Specify stack details page is displayed.
- In the Specify stack details page, enter or select the following details:
- In the Stack name field, enter a name for the stack.
- Enter or select the following details for the Parameters.
GigaVUE-FM Instance Configuration
Instance Type
Select m4.xlarge as the minimum instance type for GigaVUE-FM
Note: Do not select the t2 instance types as they are not supported.
Key Pair
Select the name of an existing Amazon EC2 key pair.
Volume Size
The default volume size is 40GB. You can change the volume size based on your requirement.
GigaVUE-FM Network Configuration
Select the existing VPC ID.
Select the existing public subnet ID.
GigaVUE-FM Security Group Configuration
SSH Location
Enter the IP address or subnet that requires SSH access to the GigaVUE-FM instance.
Enter the CIDR block where GigaVUE-FM would be deployed to allow management port access to the other components.
- Click Next. The Configure stack options page is displayed.
- In the Configure stack options page, enter or select the following details.
- In the Tags section, enter the key and value pairs. Click Add tag to add new tags and click Remove to remove tags.
- In the Permissions section, select the IAM roles for the CloudFormation. Refer to AMI and Permissions for detailed information on the required IAM roles.
- In the Stack failure options section, select a behavior for stack failures.
- In the Advanced options section, select the required stack policy and notification options.
- Click Next. The Review page is displayed.
- In the Review page, review the complete details and then select the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources check box.
- Click Create Stack to deploy GigaVUE-FM in AWS.