Save a Configuration File

To save a configuration file, do the following:

1.   On the left navigation pane, click , and then select Physical>Nodes. Select the required node or cluster.
2. Select Settings > Config and Licenses > Configurations.

The Configuration files page displays.

3. Select Actions > Save the currently running configuration.

Note:  If the you want to switch between multiple saved configuration files, you can use the Switch to Active button after selecting an existing configuration file.

4. When confirmation dialog displays, click Save to save the GigaVUE H Series node’s current systems to the active configuration file.

You can also save the GigaVUE H Series node’s current systems to a new filename by selecting Actions > Save As, entering a filename in the New Filename field of the confirmation dialog, and then clicking Save.

In addition to saving the current configuration, you can do the following from the Action menu:

■   Revert—reverting discards the running configuration and changes to the active configuration file.
■   Reset—resetting changes the running and active configuration to the factory default. The active licenses, host keys, and configuration for network connectivity is preserved.
■   Upload allows you to upload files from the local drive. Click Browse to locate the file, and then Upload Configuration to upload the local file.
■   Import—importing opens the Import Configuration files page. This page allows you to use external hosts that use protocols such as SFTP, FTP or SCP. You can upload from a URL or IP address.