View Health Status on the Monitoring Session Page

You can view the health status of the monitoring session and the components deployed, in the monitoring session page. Refer to Monitor Cloud Health for more detailed information on how to configure cloud health and view health status.

The following columns in the monitoring session page are used to convey the health status:


This column displays the health status (both traffic and configuration) of the entire monitoring session. The status is marked healthy only if both the traffic and configuration health status is healthy, even if either of them is unhealthy then the health status is moved to unhealthy.

V Series Node Health

This column displays the configuration and traffic health status of the monitoring session deployed in V Series Nodes. This column provides information on the number of GigaVUE V Series Nodes that have healthy traffic flow and monitoring session successfully deployed to the total number of V Series Nodes that have monitoring session deployed.

You can view the health status of the individual V Series Nodes by clicking on the V Series Node Health column.

Note:  V Series Node health only displays the health status therefore even if the V Series Node is down it will not be reflected in the monitoring session page.

Target Source Health

This column displays the configuration health status of the monitoring session deployed in targets. This column provides information on the number of monitoring sessions successfully deployed on a particular target to the total number of monitoring session deployed on that particular target.

You can view the health status of the individual targets and also the error message associated with them, by clicking on the Target Source Health column.