View Orchestrated Upgrade Tasks

Whenever an upgrade is triggered, a job runs in the background and is captured in the Jobs page. The Jobs page displays the list of the tasks scheduled from the Node Upgrade page and provides details on the status of the tasks.



Task Name

Name of the task

Task Status

Status of the task

Start Date

Date and time the task was started

End Date

Date and time the task ended

Scheduled Date

Date when the task was scheduled.

Time Left

Date when the task was scheduled.

Created By

Date when the task was scheduled.

Click on a task to view the following details:

  • Summary: Displays upgrade summary details of the nodes/clusters associated with the selected task. Click the ellipses in the node selector pane and select the Show by Success and Show by Failure options to further narrow down the nodes based on the upgrade status.
  • Execution Details: Displays execution state details with time stamp for the standalone nodes/cluster member nodes.

Jobs Control Options

Use the following buttons in the Jobs page to perform specific actions:

Button Description


Use to filter the tasks based on the following criteria:

Task Name
Task status
Start Date
End Date

Click the Clear button to clear the filter.


Select the required tasks in the Jobs page. Click Actions > Delete to delete the tasks.


Use to export all the tasks or selected tasks as a CSV or XLSX file.