Flow sampling rules are configured in maps called flow sampling maps. Up to ten (10) flow sampling maps per GigaSMART group are supported. Each flow sampling map supports up to 100 flow sampling rules, for a maximum of 1000 (10*100) rules per GigaSMART group.
5G flow sampling (rule-based flow sampling) is performed after 5G whitelist-based forwarding. So, flow sampling maps have a priority lower than forward list maps and higher than flow filtering maps.
Note: For 5G second level maps, a maximum of fifteen maps can be attached to a vport. For example, for the same vport you can have one forward list map and ten flow sampling maps, or ten forward list map, four flow sampling maps, and one flow filtering map. In addition, you can have a collector map, which is not counted.
In the flow sampling maps, the rules in the first map have a higher priority than the rules in the second, third, and subsequent maps. Within any single map, rules are evaluated in order.
Rules can be added to, deleted from, or inserted into a flow sampling map when the subtype selected for a Second Level map is Flow Sample. Suffix wildcarding, such as SUPI 100*, is supported in the flow sampling map rules.
Use the Add a Rule button in the Maps page to add a new flow sampling rule (a pass rule). Specify SUPI, PEI, or GPSI subscriber IDs, as well as the percentage of the flow to be sampled. The percentage is a range from 1 to 100%. Use 0% to drop sampled data.
A DNN pattern can be specified in a rule by itself.
For DNN, specify a pattern (a name) to match, for example, three.co.uk. Wildcard prefixes and suffixes are supported, for example, *mobile.com or *ims*. The pattern can be specified in up to 100 caseinsensitive alphanumeric characters and can include the following special characters: period (.), hyphen (-), and wildcard (*).
Use DNN to send traffic that matches a certain DNN pattern to specified tool ports, based on the sampling percentage.
When creating Flow Sampling rules on the Maps page, the first rule created has the highest priority and the priority of subsequent rules is in the order that they are added.