
The following commands can be used for debugging and troubleshooting.

Command Location Use

apiv node


This command can be used to the Software Version and the build information.

apiv -x post system/sysdumpGenerate << EOF
  • /var/crash
  • /var/opt/vseries/sysdumps

This command is used to generate the system dump and to collect statistics and logs. Sysdumps are also generated automatically by the process manager when there is a crash. These sysdump files can be used to troubleshoot the system

apiv stats


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.

ip rule > /tmp/networks.txt


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.

ip -6 rule >> /tmp/networks.txt


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.

cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables >> /tmp/networks.txt


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.

ip route list table all >> /tmp/networks.txt


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.

ip -6 route list table all >> /tmp/networks.txt


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.

find /etc/netplan/* -print -exec cat {} >> /tmp/networks.txt \;


This command can be used in system console to troubleshoot networking issues.