Upload Fabric Images

First, you must fetch the images from Gigamon Customer Portal using FTP, SCP, or other desired method and copy it to your cloud controller. After fetching the images, you must source the credentials file and then upload the qcow2 images to Glance.

For example, you can source the credentials file with admin credentials using the following command:

$ source admin_openrc.sh

To upload the qcow2 images to Glance, use one of the following commands:

glance image-create --disk-format qcow2 --visibility public --container- format bare --progress -name gigamon-gigavue-vseries-proxy-N -file gigamon-gigavue-proxy-cntlr-N.qcow2


openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --public --container-format bare --file gigamon-gigavue-vseries-proxy-N gigamon-gigavue-vseries-proxy-N.qcow2

While uploading images to OpenStack, the names of the image files should be of the following format:

  • gigamon-gigavue-vseries-node-6.4
  • gigamon-gigavue-vseries-proxy-6.4
  • gigamon-gigavue-uctv-cntlr-6.4
  • gigamon-gigavue-uctv-ovs-cntlr-6.4