View VXLAN / L2GRE ID Statistics

You can view the statistics such as the number of packets and bytes that were decapsulated using a VXLAN ID or a L2GRE ID for a device. To view the VXLAN /L2GRE ID Statistics page, go to Ports > Tunnels > Statistics. 1 illustrates the statistics.

1 VXLAN / L2GRE ID Statistics

The following table describes the VXLAN or L2GRE ID statistics:




The VXLAN or L2GRE identifier that is specific to the device.

Box ID

The box identifier of the device.


The name of the group created for the device.


The type of group—VXLAN or L2GRE.

Packets Rx

The number of packets that were decapsulated using the VXLAN or L2GRE ID.

Bytes Rx

The total bytes that were decapsulated using the VXLAN or L2GRE ID.

To export the statistics to a CSV file, click the ‘+’ icon and then select Download all data as csv.

Note: The bulk CSV download window does not generate the correct CSV file.

To clear the VXLAN statistics, click Clear Stats > Clear All VXLAN Stats. To clear the L2GRE statistics, click Clear Stats > Clear All L2GRE Stats.