Configure UCT through GigaVUE-FM

This section describes how to configure UCT through GigaVUE-FM GUI. Refer to the following section for details.

You can view the monitoring domain created in the list view. The list view shows the following information for UCT and controllers:

■   Monitoring Domain
■   URL
■   Connection
■   Cluster Name
■   Cluster Version
■   Controller / TAP
■   Management IP
■   Version
■   Node Name
■   Node Kernel Version
■   Status
■   Discovered Sources

Note:  Click the to select the columns that should appear in the list view.

Use the following buttons to manage your Monitoring Domain:

Button Description


Use to create new connection


Provides the following options:

■   Edit- Edit the monitoring domain
■   Delete Domain - Delete the monitoring domain



Filters the monitoring domain based on the following options:

■   Connected
■   Pending
■   Disconnected
■   Terminated

Note:  You can click on the Discovered Sources link to view the source details. In the Discovered Sources window, you can enable the Show System Pods button to view the information related to the system pods that are not monitored.


Traffic Policy Statistics

Traffic Policy Statistics in the GigaVUE-FM provides the visibility of the policies within a Monitoring Domain and displays the information of the policies and its rules statistics in the dashboard. It also allows visualization and performance at every container level of the Policy Deployment.

Rules are configured in the UCT to either forward the traffic to a Tunnel or drop the flow of the traffic. In the Policies page, along with the UCT policy and its rules, you can also view the aggregated statistics of all the source selectors which are part of the policy.

The activities of the rules are reflected by the statistics counters. The statistics counters show how the policy statistics are directly co-related to the policy and its rules being configured through the GigaVUE-FM.

Viewing Policy Statistics

To view the statistics of the traffic policy configured in the GigaVUE-FM, do the following steps:

1.   Go to Traffic> Container > Universal Container Tap. The Policies page appears. In the policy page, you can view various details related to a policy such as Name, Monitoring Domain, Connection, Status, etc., For each policy, the value correspond to the aggregate value of UCT taps associated with that policy. The fields and the description of the field names are given in the following table:

Table 1:  




Name of the Policy

Monitoring Domain

Monitoring Domain associated with the Policy.


The connection associated with the policy.


Specifies whether the policy deployment is :

  • Success

  • Failure

  • No Target Selected

UCT Deployment Details

Specifies the count of successful deployment along with the total number of deployment for a policy.

Rx packets

Total aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the policy.

Ingress packets

Total aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the policy.

Tx packets

Total aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the policy.

Egress packets

Total aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the policy.

Rx Dropped

Total aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the policy

Ingress Dropped

Total aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the policy

Tx Dropped

Total aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the policy.

Egress Dropped

Total aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the policy.

Ingress Bytes

Total aggregate value of the ingress bytes associated with the policy.

Egress Bytes

Total aggregate value of the egress bytes associated with the policy.

Ingress Errors

Total aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the policy.

Egress Errors

Total aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the policy.

Note:  Click the Gear icon to add or remove column or columns as per your requirement.

2. Click the name of a policy to view the statistics of the policy. The statistics appears on the bottom of the Policies page.

You can view the following three tabs along with the policy name:

■   Source Specifications
■   Rules
■   Container

You can scroll each of the tables to view more columns. The fields and description for the tab that appears when you click the tabs are described in the topics respectively.

Source Specifications

You can view the criteria based on which a pod is selected for tapping.

The fields and descriptions of the source specifications tab are described in the following table:

Table 2:  


Source Specifications



Source Selector




Specifies the name of the Source selector.

Include Criteria



Criteria Name

Specifies the include criteria for the source selector. Pod that matches the include criteria is part of the source for the given traffic policy.



Specifies the attributes of the pod. The available attributes are:






Specifies the operator used in the criteria.



Specifies the value for the attributes in the criteria.

Exclude Criteria



Criteria Name

Specifies the exclude criteria for the source selector. Pod that matches the exclude criteria will be part of the source for the given traffic policy.



Specifies the property in the exclude criteria based on which the pod associated with the source is tapped.



Specifies the operator involved in the exclude criteria in tapping the traffic in the pod.



Specifies the value in the criteria based on which traffic in the pod is tapped.


You can view the aggregate value of all the rules the policy has been configured for the node in the UCT tap present in a cluster. The fields and descriptions of the source specifications tab are described in the following table:

Table 3:  










Specifies the name of the rules in which the traffic is filtered in the pod


Tunnel Specifications

Specifies the tunnel details which is associated with the rules to send the traffic out. When you hover over the tunnel specification value, you can view the details of the tunnel in a message box



Specifies the priority assigned for the rule.



Specifies whether to pass or drop the rule.



Specifies the parameters used in the rule. When you hover over the filter value, you can view the details of the filters in a message box.



Specifies the direction of the flow of traffic is ingress, egress, or in both direction.


Ingress Packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the rules.


Egress Packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the rules.


Ingress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the rules.


Egress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the rules.


Ingress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the rules.


Egress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the rules.






Name of the UCT associated with the rule.


Ingress Packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Bytes

Specifies the total aggregate value of the ingress bytes associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Bytes

Specifies the total aggregate value of the egress bytes associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.




Pod ID

Specifies the Pod ID associated with the rules .


Ingress Packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the ruled for a pod in the UCT.


Egress Packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the ruled for a pod in the UCT.


Ingress Bytes

Specifies the total aggregate value of the ingress bytes associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Bytes

Specifies the total aggregate value of the egress bytes associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Dropped

Specifies the total aggregate value of the ingress bytes dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Dropped

Specifies the total aggregate value of the egress bytes dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Errors

Specifies the total aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Errors

Specifies the total aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.



You can view the aggregate value of the packets for a container, and also the rules associated with a container.

The fields and descriptions of the source specifications tab are described in the following table:

Table 4:  


Container Box








Specifies the name of the UCT associated with the rule.


Ingress packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the pod in a UCT


Egress packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the pod in a UCT


Ingress Bytes

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the rules for a pod in the UCT.


Egress Bytes

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the rules for a pod in the UCT.


Ingress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.





Pod ID

Specifies the Pod ID associated with the policy. To support pod name, following section should be added under deployment:

valueFrom: field

Ref: field



Ingress packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the rule for a pod in the UCT.


Egress packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the rule for a pod in the UCT.


Ingress Bytes

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress bytes associated with the rule for a pod in the UCT.


Egress Bytes

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress bytes associated with the rule for a pod in the UCT.


Ingress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the rules for an UCT.


Ingress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.


Egress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the rules for an UCT.




Specifies the rules associated with the container


Tunnel Specifications

Specifies the tunnel associated with the rules



Specifies the priority assigned for the rule.



Specifies whether to pass or drop the rule.






Specifies whether the direction of the flow of traffic is ingress or egress.


Ingress packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets associated with the rules.


Egress packets

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets associated with the rules


Ingress Bytes

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress bytes associated with the rules.


Egress Bytes

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress bytes associated with the rule.


Ingress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress errors associated with the rule.


Egress Errors

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress errors associated with the rule.


Ingress dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the ingress packets dropped associated with the rule.


Egress dropped

Specifies the aggregate value of the egress packets dropped associated with the rules.


Tunnel Specifications

Specifies the tunnel associated with the rules



Specifies the priority assigned for the rule.