Connect to VMware ESXi

After creating a environment create a connection between the VMware ESXi and GigaVUE‑FM. Refer to the following step given below for detailed information on how to create a new connection.

Create Connection

To create a new Connection:

  1. Select Inventory > Resources > Environment.
  2. On the Environments page, on the Connections tab, click Create.
  3. The Create New Connection dialog box opens. Enter the details as mentioned in the below section.

    Note:  When creating a connection in the connections page, the corresponding monitoring domain created for internal use in GigaVUE‑FM will not be displayed in the Monitoring Domain list page.

To establish a connection to the VMware ESXi, select or enter the following details:



Alias Alias name used to identify the connection.
Description Brief description about the connection.
Environment Select the required environment. Refer to Connect to VMware ESXi
Server The IP address of the virtual server.
vCenterUserName Valid user name
vCenterPassword Password for the user

After the connection is established, select or enter the following details in the fabric launch configuration page and click Next:

Note:  During V Series Node upgrade, the old node gets deleted and the new V Series Node is deployed. However, when the node upgrade fails due to deployment issues, the old node gets deleted and the new node is not deployed on the Connection page. This may led to loss of traffic. To avoid this you will have to redeploy the nodes again.



Datacenter vCenter Data Center with the ESXi hosts to be provisioned with V Series nodes
Cluster The Cluster on which the V Series nodes are to be deployed. From the drop-down list, select the required cluster or click All to select all the available clusters.
V Series Node Image

Web Server URL of the directory where V Series node ova files are available.

Note:  Before VMware Configuration, the V Series OVA files must be extracted as OVF files and placed in the same directory.

Form Factor Instance size of the V Series node. Refer Prerequisites for Integrating V Series Nodes with ESXi for more information.

Select the ESXi host for V Series deployment. Click Select All or Select None to select or unselect multiple hosts.

Note:  You can configure multiple hosts in a single connection (GigaVUE V Series Node).

Select the Datastore and enter the required values. Click Apply.



V Series Node Name Name of the V Series Node
Datastore Network datastore of the selected host
Management Network Management network for V Series nodes
IP Type IP type, can be IPv4 or IPv6.
Tunnel Network Tunnel Network for the V Series nodes
IP Type IP type of the tunnel, can be IPv4 or IPv6.
Tunnel Gateway IP IP address of the Tunnel Gateway
Netmask Length CIDR value of the Tunnel
User Password: (gigamon) SSH Password of the V Series node
Form Factor Instance size of the V Series node

Use the toggle option to configure IPv6 tunnels. Provide the IPv6 prefix length value. The value must be greater than zero.

Note:  Ensure to enable this option before deploying the solution with IPv6 address as tool address.

Use the following buttons to manage your VMware ESXi connections :



Create Use to create new connection.

Provides the following options:

  • Edit Connection - Use to edit a connection.
  • Deploy Node - Use to deploy a node.

    Note:  You cannot add new V Series Nodes to a Connection which already has nodes. To add new V Series Nodes you will have to delete the existing V Series Node and the related Monitoring Session, and deploy all the V Series Nodes again.

  • Delete Connection - Use to delete a connection.
  • Delete Node - Use to delete a node.
  • Force Delete - This option is enabled when an upgrade fails due to infrastructure issues. Use this option to force delete the connection.
  • Upgrade Fabric - Use to upgrade fabric components.
  • Continue Upgrade Fabric - If the upgrade is failed or interrupted for any reason, use this option to continue the upgrade process.
Refresh Inventory Use to refresh the selected connection.
Export Use to export the details from the Connections page into an XLS or a CSV file.

To create Application Intelligence sessions, refer to Create an Application Intelligence Session in Virtual Environment.