Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in GigaVUE-FM

After configuring the Monitoring Domain, you will be navigated to the Azure Fabric Launch Configuration page.

In the same Azure Fabric Launch Configuration page, you can configure all the GigaVUE fabric components.

Enter or select the required information as described in the following table.




A connection that you created in the monitoring domain page. Refer to Create Monitoring Domain for more information.

Centralized Virtual Network

Alias of the centralized VNet in which the G-vTAP Controllers, V Series Proxies, and the GigaVUE V Series nodes are launched.

Authentication Type

Select Password or SSH Public Key as the Authentication Type to connect with the Centralized VNet.

Note:  SSH Public Key is the only supported authentication type for V Series 2 solution.

SSH Public Key

The SSH public key for the GigaVUE fabric nodes.

Resource Group

The Resource Groups created in Azure for communication between the controllers, nodes, and GigaVUE-FM.

Security Groups

The security group created for the GigaVUE fabric nodes.

Click Yes to configure V Series Proxy for the monitoring domain. Refer to Configure GigaVUE V Series Proxy

To deploy GigaVUE fabric images (V Series nodes, GvTAP Controllers, and V Series Proxies) in GigaVUE-FM, you must accept the terms of the GigaVUE fabric images from the Azure marketplace using the Azure CLI or PowerShell.
az vm image list --all --publisher gigamon-inc --offer gigamon-fm-<version>
az vm image terms accept --urn gigamon-inc:gigamon-fm-<version>:vseries-node:<version>
az vm image terms accept --urn gigamon-inc:gigamon-fm-<version>:vseries-proxy:<version>
az vm image terms accept --urn gigamon-inc:gigamon-fm-<version>:gvtap-cntlr:<version>

Refer to the following topics for details:

Configure G-vTAP Controller

A G-vTAP Controller manages multiple G-vTAP Agents and orchestrates the flow of mirrored traffic to GigaVUE V Series nodes.

Note:  A single G-vTAP Controller can manage up to 1000 G-vTAP Agents. The recommended minimum instance type is Standard_B1s for G-vTAP Controller.

A G-vTAP Controller can only manage G-vTAP Agents that has the same version.

To configure the G-vTAP Controllers:

Note:  You cannot configure G-vTAP Controller for Customer Orchestrated Source as the traffic acquisition method.

In the Azure Fabric Launch Configuration page, Enter or select the appropriate values for the G-vTAP Controller as described in the following table.



Controller Version(s)

The G-vTAP Controller version you configure must always be the same as the G-vTAP Agents’ version number deployed in the VM machines.

If there are multiple versions of G-vTAP Agents deployed in the VM machines, then you must configure multiple versions of G-vTAP Controllers that matches the version numbers of the G-vTAP Agents.

Note:  If there is a version mismatch between G-vTAP controllers and G-vTAP Agents, GigaVUE-FM cannot detect the agents in the instances.

To add G-vTAP Controllers:

a. Under Controller Versions, click Add.
b. From the Image drop-down list, select a G-vTAP Controller image that matches with the version number of G-vTAP Agents installed in the instances.
c. From the Size drop-down list, select a size for the G-vTAP Controller. The default size is Standard_B1s.
d. In Number of Instances, specify the number of G-vTAP Controllers to launch. The minimum number you can specify is 1.

Management Subnet

IP Address Type: Select one of the following IP address types:

■   Select Private if you want to assign an IP address that is not reachable over Internet. You can use private IP address for communication between the G-vTAP Controller instances and GigaVUE-FM instances in the same network.
■   Select Public if you want the IP address to be assigned from Azure’s pool of public IP address. The public IP address gets changed every time the instance is stopped and restarted. On selecting Public IP address type, you must select all the required Public IPs.

Subnet: Select a Subnet for G-vTAP Controller. The subnet that is used for communication between the G-vTAP Controllers and the G-vTAP Agents, as well as to communicate with GigaVUE-FM.

Every fabric node (both controllers and the nodes) need a way to talk to each other and GigaVUE-FM. So, they should share at least one management plane/subnet.

Note:  Some instance types are supported in Azure platform. Refer to Microsoft Azure documentation to learn on supported instance types.

Additional Subnet(s)

(Optional) If there are G-vTAP Agents on subnets that are not IP routable from the management subnet, additional subnets must be specified so that the G-vTAP Controller can communicate with all the G-vTAP Agents.

Click Add to specify additional data subnets, if needed. Also, make sure that you specify a list of security groups for each additional subnet.


(Optional) The key name and value that helps to identify the G-vTAP Controller instances in your Azure environment. For example, you might have G-vTAP Controllers deployed in many regions. To distinguish these G-vTAP Controllers based on the regions, you can provide a name that is easy to identify such as us-west-2-gvtap-controllers. To add a tag:

a. Click Add.
b. In the Key field, enter the key. For example, enter Name.
c. In the Value field, enter the key value. For example, us-west-2-gvtap-controllers.

Configure GigaVUE V Series Proxy

GigaVUE V Series Proxy can manage multiple GigaVUE V Series Nodes and orchestrates the flow of traffic from GigaVUE V Series nodes to the monitoring tools. GigaVUE-FM uses one or more GigaVUE V Series Proxies to communicate with the GigaVUE V Series nodes.

Note:  A single GigaVUE V Series Proxy can manage up to 100 GigaVUE V Series nodes. The recommended minimum instance type is Standard_B1s for V Series Proxy.

To configure the GigaVUE V Series Proxy:

  1. In the Azure Fabric Launch Configuration page, Select Yes to Configure a V Series Proxy and the GigaVUE V Series Proxy fields appears.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate values for the V Series Proxy. Refer to the G-vTAP Controller field descriptions for detailed information.

Configure GigaVUE V Series Node

GigaVUE V Series node is a visibility node that aggregates mirrored traffic from multiple G-vTAP Agents. It applies filters, manipulates the packets using GigaSMART applications, and distributes the optimized traffic to cloud-based tools or backhaul to GigaVUE Cloud Suite for Azure using the standard VXLAN tunnels.

To launch a GigaVUE V Series node:

In the Azure Fabric Launch Configuration page, enter or select the appropriate values for the GigaVUE V Series Node.




From the Image drop-down list, select a GigaVUE V Series Node image.


From the Size down-down list, select a size for the GigaVUE V Series Node. The default size for V Series 2 configuration is Standard_D4s_v4.

Disk Size (GB)

The size of the storage disk. The default disk size is 30GB.

Note:   When using Application Metadata Exporter, the minimum recommended Disk Size is 80GB.

IP Address Type

Select one of the following IP address types:

■   Select Private if you want to assign an IP address that is not reachable over Internet. You can use private IP address for communication between the GigaVUE V Series Node instances and GigaVUE-FM instances in the same network.
■   Select Public if you want the IP address to be assigned from Azure’s pool of public IP address. On selecting Public IP address type, you must select the number of Public IPs defined in the Maximum Instance.

Management Subnet

Subnet: Select a management subnet for GigaVUE V Series. The subnet that is used for communication between the G-vTAP Agents and the GigaVUE V Series Nodes, as well as to communicate with GigaVUE-FM.

Every fabric node (both controllers and the nodes) need a way to talk to each other and GigaVUE-FM. So, they should share at least one management plane/subnet.

Data Subnet(s)

The subnet that receives the mirrored VXLAN tunnel traffic from the G-vTAP Agents.

Select a Subnet and the respective Security Groups. Click Add to add additional data subnets.

Note:  Using the Tool Subnet checkbox you can indicate the subnets to be used by theGigaVUE V Series to egress the aggregated/manipulated traffic to the tools.


(Optional) The key name and value that helps to identify the GigaVUE V Series Node instances in your Azure environment. For example, you might have GigaVUE V Series Nodes deployed in many regions. To distinguish these GigaVUE V Series Nodes based on the regions, you can provide a name that is easy to identify. To add a tag:

a. Click Add.
b. In the Key field, enter the key. For example, enter Name.
c. In the Value field, enter the key value.

Min Instances

The minimum number of GigaVUE V Series Nodes to be launched in the Azure connection.

The minimum number of instances that can be entered is 1.

Note:  Nodes will be launched when a monitoring session is deployed if GigaVUE-FM discovers some targets to monitor. The minimum amount will be launched at that time. The GigaVUE-FM will delete the nodes if they are idle for over 15 minutes.

Max Instances

The maximum number of GigaVUE V Series Nodes that can be launched in the Azure connection. When the number of instances per V Series node exceeds the max instances specified in this field, increase the number in the Max Instances to Launch. When additional V Series nodes are launched, GigaVUE-FM re-balances the instances assigned to the nodes. This can result in a brief interruption of traffic.

Click Save to complete the Azure Fabric Launch Configuration.

A monitoring domain is created, and you can view the monitoring domain and fabric component details by clicking on a monitoring domain name in theMonitoring Domain page.