Monitor Cloud Health

Monitor Cloud Health

GigaVUE‑FM allows you to monitor the traffic and configuration health status of the monitoring session and its individual components. This section provides detailed information on how to view the traffic and configuration health status of the monitoring session and its individual components.

Configuration Health Monitoring

The configuration health status provides us detailed information about the configuration and deployment status of the deployed monitoring session.

This feature is supported for the following fabric components and features on the respective cloud platforms:

For V Series Nodes:

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • OpenStack
  • VMware
  • Nutanix

For G-vTAP Agents:

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • OpenStack

For VPC Mirroring:

  • AWS

For OVS Mirroring and VLAN Trunk Port:

  • OpenStack

To view the configuration health status, refer to the View Health Status section.

Traffic Health Monitoring

GigaVUE-FM allows you to monitor the traffic health status of the entire monitoring session and also the individual V Series Nodes for which the monitoring session is configured. Traffic health monitoring focuses on identifying any discrepancies (packet drop or overflow etc) in the traffic flow. When any such discrepancies are identified, GigaVUE-FM propagates the health status to corresponding monitoring session. GigaVUE-FM monitors the traffic health status in near real-time. GigaVUE V Series Node monitors the traffic, when the traffic limit goes beyond the upper or lower threshold values that is configured, it notifies GigaVUE-FM, based on which traffic health is computed.

Note:  When GigaVUE-FM and GigaVUE V Series Nodes are deployed in different cloud platforms, then the GigaVUE-FM public IP address must be added to the Data Notification Interface as the Target Address in the Event Notifications page. Refer to Configuration Settings section for configuration details.

This feature is supported for GigaVUE V Series Nodes on the respective cloud platforms:

For V Series Nodes:

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • OpenStack
  • VMware

The following section gives step-by-step instructions on creating, applying, and editing threshold templates across a monitoring session or an application, and viewing the traffic health status. Refer to the following section for more detailed information:

Keep in mind the following points when configuring a threshold template:

  • By default Threshold Template is not configured to any monitoring session. If you wish to monitor the traffic health status, then create and apply threshold template to the monitoring session.
  • Editing or redeploying the monitoring session will reapply all the threshold policies associated with that monitoring session.
  • Deleting or undeploying the monitoring session will clear all the threshold policies associated with that monitoring session.
  • After applying threshold template to a particular application, you need not deploy the monitoring session again.

Create Threshold Template

To create threshold templates:

  1. In GigaVUE‑FM, on the left navigation pane, select Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows and select your cloud platform. Then, click on the Threshold Template tab in the top navigation bar.
  2. The Threshold Template page appears. Click Create to open the New Threshold Template page.
  3. Enter the appropriate information for the threshold template as described in the following table.



    Threshold Template Name

    The name of the threshold template.


    Monitored ObjectsSelect the resource for which you wish to apply the threshold template. Eg: TEP, REP, Maps, Applications like Slicing, Dedup etc
    Time IntervalFrequency at which the traffic flow needs to be monitored.
    MetricMetrics that needs to be monitored. For example: Tx Packets, Rx Packets.

    Difference: The difference between the stats counter at the start and end time of an interval, for a given metric.

    Derivative: Average value of the stats counter in a time interval, for a given metric.


    Over: Checks if the stats counter value is greater than the 'Set Trigger Value'.

    Under: Checks if the stats counter value is lower than the 'Set Trigger Value'.

    Set Trigger ValueValue at which a traffic health event is raised, if stats counter goes below/ above this value. Based on the condition configured.
    Clear Trigger ValueValue at which a traffic health event is cleared, if stats counter goes below/ above this value. Based on the condition configured.
  4. Click Save. The newly created threshold template is saved, and it appears on the Threshold Template page.

Apply Threshold Template

You can apply your threshold template across the entire monitoring session and also to a particular application.

Apply Threshold Template to Monitoring Session

To apply the threshold template across a monitoring session, follow the steps given below:

  1. In GigaVUE‑FM, on the left navigation pane, select Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows and select your cloud platform. The Monitoring Session page appears.
  2. Select the monitoring session and click Apply Thresholds.
  3. The Apply Thresholds page appears. To apply a threshold template across a monitoring session, select the template you wish to apply across the monitoring session from the Threshold Template drop-down menu or enter the threshold values manually.
  4. Click Done.

Apply Threshold Template to Applications

To apply the threshold template to a particular application in the monitoring session follow the steps given below:

Note:  Applying threshold template across monitoring session will not over write the threshold value applied specifically for an application. When a threshold value is applied to a particular application, it over writes the existing threshold value for that particular application.

  1. On the Monitoring Session page. Click Edit. The Edit Monitoring Session page with canvas page appears.
  2. Click on the application for which you wish to apply or change a threshold template and click Details. The Application quick view opens.
  3. Click on the Thresholds tab. Select the template you wish to apply from the Threshold Template drop-down menu or enter the threshold values manually.
  4. Click Save.

Edit Threshold Template

To edit a particular threshold template follow the steps given below:

  1. On the Threshold Template page, Click Edit. The Edit Threshold Template page appear.
  2. The existing threshold templates will be listed here. Edit the templates you wish to modify.
  3. Click Save.

Note:  Editing a threshold template does not automatically apply the template to monitoring session. You must apply the edited template to monitoring session for the changes to take effect.

Clear Thresholds

You can clear the thresholds across the entire monitoring session and also to a particular application.

Clear Thresholds for Applications

To clear the thresholds of a particular application in the monitoring session follow the steps given below:

  1. On the Monitoring Session page. Click Edit. The Edit Monitoring Session page with canvas page appears.
  2. Click on the application for which you wish to clear the thresholds and click Details. The Application quick view opens.
  3. Click on the Thresholds tab. Click Clear All and then Click Save.

Clear Thresholds across the Monitoring Session

To clear the applied thresholds across a monitoring session follow the steps given below:

  1. In GigaVUE‑FM, on the left navigation pane, select Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows and select your cloud platform. The Monitoring Sessions page appears.
  2. Select the monitoring session and click Apply Thresholds.
  3. The Apply Thresholds page appears. Click Clear.

Note:  Clearing thresholds at monitoring session level does not clear the thresholds that were applied specifically at the application level. To clear thresholds for a particular application refer to Clear Thresholds for Applications

Supported Resources and Metrics

The following table lists the resources and the respective metrics supported for traffic health monitoring



Threshold types

Trigger Condition

Tunnel End Point

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Tx Bytes
  4. Rx Bytes
  5. Tx Dropped
  6. Rx Dropped
  7. Tx Errors
  8. Rx Errors
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

Raw End Point

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Tx Bytes
  4. Rx Bytes
  5. Tx Dropped
  6. Rx Dropped
  7. Tx Errors
  8. Rx Errors
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under


  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under


  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under


  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under


  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

Header Stripping

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

Tunnel Encapsulation

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

Load Balancing

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

SSL Decryption

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

Application Metadata

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

AMI Exporter

  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under


  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under


  1. Tx Packets
  2. Rx Packets
  3. Packets Dropped
  1. Difference
  2. Derivative
  1. Over
  2. Under

View Health Status

You can view the health status of the monitoring session on the Monitoring Session details page. The health status of the monitoring session is healthy only if both the configuration health and traffic health are healthy.

View Health Status of the Entire Monitoring Session

To view the health status of a monitoring session:

  1. On the Monitoring Session details page, click on the health status displayed in the Status column of the monitoring session.
  2. The monitoring session diagram is displayed, click on the Status displayed in the top left-corner above the canvas. The quick view page appears.

This displays the configuration health and traffic health of the monitoring session and also the thresholds applied to that monitoring session.

View Health Status of an Application

To view the health status of an application across an entire monitoring session:

  1. On the Monitoring Session page, click on the health status displayed in the Status column of the monitoring session.
  2. The monitoring session diagram is displayed.
  3. To view application health, click on the application for which you wish to see the health status. The quick view page appears.
  4. Click on the Status tab.

This displays the configuration health and traffic health of the application and also the thresholds applied to that particular application.

View Health Status for Individual V Series Nodes

You can also view the health status of the view the health status of an individual GigaVUE V Series Node. To view the configuration health status and traffic health status of the V Series Nodes:

  1. On the Monitoring Session page, click on the health status in the Status column of the monitoring session.
  2. The monitoring session diagram is displayed. Select the V Series Node from the View By drop-down menu and then click on the Status displayed in the top left-corner above the canvas. The quick view page appears.

View Application Health Status for Individual V Series Nodes

To view the application configuration and traffic health status of the GigaVUE V Series Nodes:

  1. On the Monitoring Session page, click on the health status in the Status column of the monitoring session.
  2. The monitoring session diagram is displayed. Select the V Series Node from the View By drop-down menu.
  3. To view application health, click on the application for which you wish to see the health status. The quick view page appears.
  4. Click on the Status tab.

The subsession toggle button available in the top-left corner of the canvas allows you to view the statistics of individual paths in the monitoring session. If the traffic health is not configured for monitoring session or a particular application, the traffic health is displayed as Not Applicable.

View Health Status on the Monitoring Session Page

You can view the health status of the monitoring session and the components deployed, in the monitoring session page.

The following columns in the monitoring session page are used to convey the health status:


This column displays the health status (both traffic and configuration) of the entire monitoring session. The status is marked healthy only if both the traffic and configuration health status is healthy, even if either of them is unhealthy then the health status is moved to unhealthy.

V Series Node Health

This column displays the configuration and traffic health status of the monitoring session deployed in V Series Nodes. This column provides information on the number of GigaVUE V Series Nodes that have healthy traffic flow and monitoring session successfully deployed to the total number of V Series Nodes that have monitoring session deployed.

You can view the health status of the individual V Series Nodes by clicking on the V Series Node Health column.

Note:  V Series Node health only displays the health status therefore even if the V Series Node is down it will not be reflected in the monitoring session page.

Target Source Health

This column displays the configuration health status of the monitoring session deployed in targets. This column provides information on the number of monitoring sessions successfully deployed on a particular target to the total number of monitoring session deployed on that particular target.

You can view the health status of the individual targets and also the error message associated with them, by clicking on the Target Source Health column.