Use the ipv6 command to configure IPv6 settings for the GigaVUE H Series node’s Mgmt port, including enabling the use of IPv6, setting the default IPv6 gateway, and configuring static mappings and routes for IPv6. Note that most users configure these settings using the config jump-start script during the initial deployment of the system. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for details.
The ipv6 command has the following syntax:
default-gateway <next hop IP address or interface name> <eth0, eth1...>
primary intf <interface name>
chain <chain>
policy <policy>
rule <append tail | insert <rule number> | set <rule number> | modify <rule number>> target <target>
move <old rule number> to <new rule number>
[comment <comment> | dest-addr <network prefix> <netmask> | dest-port <port or port range> |
dup-delete | in-intf <interface>| not-dest-addr <network prefix> <netmask> | not-dest-port
<port or port range> | not-in-intf <interface> | not-out-intf <interface> | not-protocol <protocol> |
not-source-addr <network prefix> <netmask> | not-source-port <port or port range> |
out-intf <interface> | protocol <protocol> | source-addr <network prefix> <netmask> |
source-port <port or port range> | state <state>]
options include-bridges
host <hostname> <IPv6 address>
neighbor <IPv6 address> <interface name> <MAC address>
route <IPv6 prefix> <next hop IPv6 address or interface name> [eth0, eth1...]
The following table describes the arguments for the ipv6 command:
Argument |
Description |
default-gateway <next hop IP address or interface name> <eth0, eth1...> |
Sets the default IPv6 gateway for the specified interface (eth0-Mgmt, eth1-Stacking, or lo-loopback). |
dhcp |
Configures global DHCP settings as follows:
enable |
Enables the use of IPv6 generally. Both IPv6 and IPv4 can be enabled at the same time. |
filter |
Configures IP filtering as follows:
Note: The clear parameter deletes all IP filter rules, which can result in loss of connectivity between nodes in a cluster. Rather than clearing all IP filters, delete only the specific filters that are no longer required. If you use clear, the following warning is displayed: ST1 [ST1: standby] (config) # ip filter chain FORWARD clear WARNING !! Clearing the ip filter INPUT chain may impact mgmt and clustering ports and operations!! Enter 'YES' to confirm this operation:
The default policies for each chain are as follows:
For configuration examples, refer to IP Filter Chains for Security. |
rule <append tail | insert <rule number> | set <rule number> | modify <rule number>> target <target> move <old rule number> to <new rule number> |
Specifies the position of a rule, which is determined by the arguments that follow rule, as follows:
Note the following:
The targets are as follows:
Netmask can be specified either as a netmask or a mask length (for example: or /24). Dup-delete specifies that after adding or modifying a rule, delete all other existing rules that are duplicates of it. (Duplicates are otherwise not detected.) The available protocols are as follows:
If tcp or udp are specified, you can specify source or destination ports. State classifies the packet relative to existing connections. The states are as follows:
You can enter more than one state by separating them with a comma. |
host <hostname> <IPv6 address> |
Configures a static mapping between the specified hostname and IPv6 address. The hostname must be a valid Domain Name Service (DNS) name. Note: IPv6 must be enabled before you can configure an IPv6 syslog server. If IPv6 is not enabled, the following error message is displayed: (config) # logging fdc9:5895:4203:95c0:4203:95c0:4146:36cc % IPv6 is disabled. IPv6 address/dns name fdc9:5895:4203:95c0:4203:95c0:4146:36cc is not allowed. For example: (config) # ipv6 enable (config) # ipv6 host syslog.ipv6 fdc9:5895:4203:95c0:4203:95c0:4146:36cc |
map-hostname |
Specifies a static IPv6 host mapping for the current hostname. |
neighbor <IPv6 address> <interface name> <MAC address> |
Configures static IPv6/MAC (link layer) neighbor pairs for eth0 or eth1. |
route <IPv6 prefix> <next hop IPv6 address or interface name> [eth0, eth1...] |
Adds an IPv6 static route by specifying the nexthop interface name or IPv6 address for a particular IPv6 network prefix. For example: (config) # ipv6 route 2001:db8:701f::/48 fdc9:5895:4203:95c0:4203:95c0:4146:36cc eth0 |
Related Commands
The following table summarizes other commands related to the ipv6 command:
Task |
Command |
Displays IPv6 information. |
# show ipv6 |
Displays active IPv6 default routes. |
show ipv6 default-gateway |
Displays configured IPv6 default routes. |
show ipv6 default-gateway static |
Displays DHCP configuration information. |
show ipv6 dhcp |
Displays IP filtering configuration or status. |
show ipv6 filter |
Displays IP filtering state (including unconfigured rules). |
show ipv6 filter all |
Displays IP filtering configuration. |
show ipv6 filter configured |
Displays all IPv6 neighbors, including both static and dynamic entries. |
show ipv6 neighbors |
Displays all statically-configured IPv6 neighbors. |
show ipv6 neighbors static |
Displays active IPv6 routes, both dynamic and static. |
show ipv6 route |
Displays configured static IPv6 routes. |
show ipv6 route static |
Deletes all static IPv6 default routes. |
(config) # no ipv6 default-gateway |
Reverts to the default interface from which non-interface-specific (resolver) configuration will be accepted through DHCPv6. |
(config) # no ipv6 dhcp primary-intf |
Disables stateless DHCPv6 requests (request all information, including an IPv6 address). |
(config) # no ipv6 dhcp stateless |
Disables IPv6 for the entire system. |
(config) # no ipv6 enable |
Resets the policy (the default target) for a specified chain to the default. |
(config) # no ipv6 filter chain FORWARD policy |
If you specify a chain and rule, deletes the rule and renumbers rules to close the gap. If you specify a chain only, deletes all the rules in that chain and resets the chain's policy to the default. |
(config) # no ipv6 filter chain INPUT rule 2 |
Disables IP filtering for IPv6. |
(config) # no ipv6 filter enable |
Does not apply IP filters to bridges. (This is not supported.) |
(config) # no ipv6 filter options include-bridges |
Deletes static hostname/IPv6 address mappings. |
(config) # no ipv6 host localhost6 |
Does not ensure a static host mapping for current hostname. |
(config) # no ipv6 map-hostname |
Deletes static IPv6 neighbor MAC (link layer) address mappings. |
(config) # no ipv6 neighbor fe80::209:fff:fe4a:e5ce eth0 00:09:0F:4A:E5:CE |
Deletes an IPv6 static route. |
(config) # no ipv6 route ::/0 |