To create a customized Tool Template, do the following:
On the left navigation pane, click , and then select Resources > Tool Templates. |
You can view two system defined templates by default.
Click Create. The New Tool Template page appears. |
Enter the Template Name.
- Select the GS Version*.
- Enable the fastmode check box. When the fastmode option is enabled, only the fastmode supported attributes will be listed.
Enter the Description.
Click the App Editor button. The App Editor page appears. |
Click the Application Family field and select an Application Family such as antivirus, webmail that needs to be filtered from the traffic. You can also select multiple application families. |
If you choose to add or delete all the applications in a family, click Add All Application in Families or Delete All Application in Families.
Note: You can select the required applications without selecting the application family.
Click the Application field and select an application or multiple applications that needs to be exported from the traffic. |
Click Add to add the Application details. |
Select the format (CEF/NetFlow) in which the application details need to be exported to the tool. |
Select the record or template type: |
Segregated - The application-specific attributes and the generic attributes will be exported as individual records to the tool. |
Cohesive- The application-specific attributes and the generic attributes will be combined as a single record and exported to the tool. |
Enter the Active timeout and Inactive timeout in seconds. |
Note: Select the Version and the Template Refresh Interval for the Netflow format.
In the AdvancedSettings > Collects section, you can view and configure the following collect types: |
Counter - Select the Bytes and Packets. |
IPv4 - Select and enter the required information in the fields such as Source Address, Destination Address, Fragmentation, and Header Size and Payload Size. |
IPv6 - Select and enter the required information in the fields such as Source Address, Destination Address, Fragmentation, and Header Size and Payload Size. |
Transport -Select and enter the required information in the fields such as Source Address, Destination Address, and Header Size and Payload Size. |
By default, the above collect types are displayed. Click
to add the following collect types:
Data Link - Select any one of the parameters such as Source Mac, Destination Mac and VLAN. |
Timestamp - Select the required timestamp such as System Uptime First, Flow Start, System Uptime Last, and Flow End. |
Flow - Select the parameter as End Reason if required. |
Interface - Select any one of the parameter such as Input Physical, Output Physical and Input Name. |
Click Save. The new tool template is added to the list view. |
Select a tool template and click the ellipsis to perform the following: |
View Details - To view the details in the template. |
Edit - To edit the parameters and fields in the template. |
Delete - To delete the template from the list. |
Duplicate - To duplicate the template in the list. |
Export - To export a tool template. |
Note: You can edit an existing template and the attributes associated with it as required, and save the updates as a new template while creating an Application Metadata Intelligence session. Refer to Create Metadata Intelligence by Selecting Applications from Dashboard for details.