Configure Secure Passwords Mode
Passwords that are complex and long in length provide security. To to enable the secure passwords mode:
| 1.
Select Settings > Global Settings > Security. The Security page displays. Secure Passwords are disabled by default. |
| 3.
On the Edit Security Settings page, select Secure Passwords. |
| 4.
In the Min Password Length field, specify the minimum password length from 8 to 64 characters. |
For Common Criteria certification, the password length should be at least 15 characters.
The system displays the following notification:
Security settings updated successfully. Please reboot the device for the settings to take effect.
| a.
Select Settings > Reboot and Upgrade. |
When you create a password from the User Setup page, the password must contain at least one character of each of the following:
| ■
special characters, for example, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, or * |
The minimum number of characters allowed is determined by the Secure Passwords setting if it is enabled.
For example, use the following steps to create and set the password for a user named myuserid user:
| 1.
Select Roles and Users > Users. |
| 2.
On the User Setup page, click Add. The Add New User page appears. |
| 3.
Enter the account details for the user. If the password does not adhere to the rules, a message is displayed. |
| 4.
After completing the account details, click Save. |