Configuration of 5G CUPS
The GigaVUE-FM CUPS solution collects the User Intent Definition in YAML format and automatically creates and manages the components like GigaSMART Groups, GSOPS, VPorts, First Level Maps. Second Level Maps, SFFP Profile, etc.
The CUPS policies and the site information are provided in YAML format. The policies are configured in GigaVUE-FM through Ansible Play book. The updates to the configurations are made in the YAML files.
The CUPS solution can be created, edited or deleted using Ansible. GigaVUE-FM allows you to monitor and troubleshoot the solution.
The following diagram shows the configuration of CUPS solution:
Refer to the following sections for configuring the 5G CUPS solution:
- Pre-requisites
- Notes and Rules
- Installation and Setting Up of Ansible
- Initial Setup for configuring 5G CUPS solution
- Configure 5G CUPS Solution
- Features Supported for CUPS Solution in Ansible
Ensure that the following environment is available before installation:
- Python version: 2.7.15 or greater
- Platform: Linux
- Ansible version: 2.9.4 or greater
- Python Packages: ruamel.yaml, jsonschema, requests (Install this using pip install)
Rules and Notes
- You must reboot the GigaSMART engine, if a 5G or 4G solution is deleted and configured again using GigaVUE-FM or CLI commands.
Installation and Environmental Setup for CUPS in Ansible:
1. | Download the .deb/.rpm package from the customer portal. |
2. | Install the .deb/.rpm package to install Gigamon’s ansible module under /usr/local/share/gigamon. The package contains README (common Readme file) and README_CUPS/ directory. The README_CUPS/ directory contains one more README, specific to CUPS solution, and reference files. |
3. | Source the /usr/local/share/gigamon/setup-gigamon file to update the PYTHONPATH envirnoment. Also, export ANSIBLE_FM_IP in case if you are managing single FM. For multiple FM, this envirnonment variable is not required. |
4. | The ansible.cfg setting is available in usr/local/share/gigamon/ansible.cfg. To learn more about the file refer to "Ansible Configuration Settings" section in the common README file (../README) |
5. | Install the required python packages specified in the Pre-requisites section. |
Initial Setup for Configuring 5G CUPS solution
The initial setup for configuring 5G CUPS solutions involves:
Steps | How to.. | Refer to.. |
Preparing GigaVUE-FM Credentials file | Prepare a GigaVUE-FM credential file with the below YAML format: fmInfo: username:admin password: admin123A!! username: admin password: admin123A!! | For more information about encrypting the GigaVUE-FM credential, refer to the README file in the CUPS solution package. |
Preparing Path Configuration files | Prepare an Input JSON file (for example
For Example:
• Golden_payload_path - Path in which the successfully configured JSON payloads are saved. For Example: golden_payload_path": "/home/user/cups_golden_payload.yaml
For Example: deployment_report_path": "/home/user/deploymentReport.yaml
Configure 5G CUPS Solution
To configure a 5G CUPS solution, perform the following steps:
S.No | Steps | How to.. | Refer to.. |
1. | Creating Directory | Create a directory to keep your inventories for example ~/myInventory. Create a directory host_vars under your directory ~/myInventory/host_vars/. | |
2. | Defining 5G and LTE Policies | Define 5G and LTE policy in the YAML Schema and place your policy YAML files in ~/myInventory/host_vars/ like ~/myInventory/host_vars/lte_policy_1.yaml , ~/myInventory/5g_policy_1.yaml | README_CUPS/CUPS_YAML_DEFINTION.yaml in the solution package. |
3. | Defining the Parameters of 5G CUPS |
Define the following information related to configuration of 5G CUPS in the template provided and save them in .CSV format:
Note: You can also create your own CPN/UPN/Site.yaml files and master orchestrating ansible inventory file manually. |
Inputs tab in the excel file README_CUPS/ CUPS_Siteconfigs.xls in the solution package |
4. | Converting the CSV files to YAML |
Convert the .CSV files to YAML using the Python tool provided with the solution in the path. FM_Ansible/integration/tools/ Note: Use./ -h to check for the supported command line options . tools/ --inventory_dir_path ~/myInventory --nwCsv cups_csvs/NetworkSources.csv --vfCsv cups_csvs/CUPNInfo.csv --siteInfo cups_csvs/SiteInfo.csv --ltePolicy lte_policy.yml --5gPolicy 5g_policy.yml --cupsSolutionAlias cups1. Note: The tool also creates the Ansible Inventory file in ~/myInventory/cups_inventory. |
5. | Adding Pre-requisites configurations |
Edit the Inventory host_vars file to add the pre-requisites configurations such as:
README_CUPS/CUPS_Prerequisites_per_cluster_template.yml in the solution package |
6. | Execute the ansible-playbook |
Cups_inventory file provides the following information:
After editing the inventory file, execute the ansible-playbook to deploy the solution using: ansible-playbook -e "@/home/user/ansible_inputs.json"-vvv -i ~/myInventory/cups_inventory playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml Note: Ansible CUPS deployment fails when GigaVUE-FM CUPS deployment fails. |
Inventory File Samples
The following are the sample cups_inventory, which are generated by the above csv and then provided to the yaml tool. This includes the details for groups such as, [Policies], [CPN], [UPN], [Sites], [CUPS]. It creates empty groups for [GTPWhitelist], [IPInterfaces], [ToolGroups], and [Gigastreams], which are the pre-requisites for the CUPS solution. You must provide the clusterId where prerequisites need to be configured, and also make sure that you have created the corresponding <clusterId>.yml under host_vars/ in your inventory directory.
If you have manually created all your pre-requisites configurations in all the clusters, you can leave it empty.
Single FM:
For Single FM, specify your fmIp in the environment variable, ANSIBLE_FM_IP and make sure that the fmIP given has entry in your fm_credential_file (fmInfo.yml)
LA cpn_list='["CPN_5G_01"]' upn_list='["UPN_5G_01"]'
cups_5g_1 5g_policy=5g_policy sites='["LA"]'
Multiple FMs:
In Multiple GigaVUE-FM cases, you must follow these steps:
- Pass the attribute "fm_ip=<fmIP>" to each host in the inventory and ensure that the fmIp given has entry in your fmInfo.yml (fm_credential_file).
- All the IP interfaces should be given in each cluster prerequisite file. 'clusterName' attribute for each IP interface configuration identifies which cluster it belongs to.
[GTPWhitelist] fm_ip= fm_ip=
[IPInterfaces] fm_ip= fm_ip=
[ToolGroups] fm_ip= fm_ip=
[Gigastreams] fm_ip= fm_ip=
LA cpn_list='["CPN_5G_01"]' upn_list='["UPN_5G_01"]'
cups_5g_1 5g_policy=5g_policy sites='["LA"]' fm_ip=
cups_5g_2 5g_policy=5g_policy sites='["LA"]' fm_ip=
Features Supported for CUPS solution in Ansible
Ansible supports the following features for CUPS in addition to creating, updating or deleting a CUPS solution across Single or Multiple GigaVUE-FM:
- Deployment Report
- Check Mode (Without deploying the solution to FM, will get you the difference between the current state of FM and Proposed Solution)
- Saving Golden Payload (Last Successful payload)
- Applying Golden Payload
- Using the gigamon_cups module in your own playbook by sending the complete yaml payload.
Deployment Report
Whenever ansible creates, updates or deletes a CUPS solution, deployment report is generated in the path given in the "deployment_report_path" variable of ansible_input.json. It appends the GigaVUE-FM IP at the end of the path to generate the deployment report for each GigaVUE-FM in case of multiple GigaVUE-FM deployment. For example, for the path, "deployment_report_path": "/home/user/deploymentReport_tc1.yaml", then deployment report path is /home/user/deploymentReport_tc1_<fmip>.yaml.
The deployment report provides the following information:
- timestamp – It is Time stamp of when a report is generated.
- deploymentRequest - Values can be "NEW, EDIT, or DELETE".
- deploymentResponse – It is the GigaVUE-FM Response for the payload sent. GigaVUE-FM response contains, multi status such as created, updated, deleted, skipped, or failed. Any failures in the 'failed' attribute of the deploymentResponse is the failure returned by the GigaVUE-FM.
- deploymentStatus – It is the Ansible Response which has changed or failed or skipped and message attribute. If there is any failure even before sending it to GigaVUE-FM, 'changed' attribute will be false, if its applied fully or partially, 'changed' will be true. If any Ansible Validation fails or 400/500 response from FM, changed will be false, failed will be true. Ignore the 'skipped' attribute.
- deploymentPayloadDiff – It is generated for the updates made in the solution (ie EDIT in deploymentRequest). It contains the difference between the last payload in the GigaVUE-FM and currently deployed payload.
Sample Deployment Report in YAML
- path: //trafficPolicies/LTE/whitelisting/flowMaps/wlMapGeoProbe/rules/rule_1/apn
- path: //trafficPolicies/LTE/sampling/flowMaps/samplingMapToeEEA/rules/rule_1/userPlanePercentage
old_value: 50
new_value: 25
- path: //sites/SanFrancisco/cpNodes/CPN_01/trafficSources/cpn1_pod2/networkElementFunctionInterfaces/S11/tunnelIdentifiers/VLAN_16777214
value: 16777214
interfaceTunnelIdentifierType: VLAN
- path: //sites/SanFrancisco/cpNodes/CPN_01/trafficSources/cpn1_pod2/networkElementFunctionInterfaces/S11/tunnelIdentifiers/VLAN_16777215
value: 16777215
interfaceTunnelIdentifierType: VLAN
deploymentRequest: EDIT
msg: CUPS solution cupsMixed1 updated
failed: false
skipped: false
changed: true
deleted: []
failed: []
- status: SUCCESS
alias: UPN_01
objectType: UPN
- status: SUCCESS
alias: CPN_01
objectType: CPN
skipped: []
created: []
timeStamp: 09-Mar-2020::12:04:1583780672
Check Mode
The CUPS ansible solution also supports checkmode which states that even without deploying the solution in the payload, it fetches you the differences between the current payload and the proposed payload. You can use it while editing the solution to cross-check the components that can be created, removed, or updated.
To run the solution in checkmode, use the ansible command line option "–check" as follows:
ansible-playbook --check -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
The check mode generates the deployment Report. Since it is not deployed in GigaVUE-FM, the "deploymentResponse" field in the report is in "CHECKMODE" (for real deployment, GigaVUE-FM response will be present). You can check the difference between the current and proposed payload in the field, "deploymentPayloadDiff".
Golden Payload
Whenever the CUPS payload is successfully deployed or updated, that instance of the complete YAML payload is saved as Golden Payload in the path given in the ansible_input.json file as "golden_payload_path". If the path is not given, it is saved in the current directory.
At times, when you feel that the CUPS solution is messed up and need to deploy the golden payload, you can apply the saved golden payload using the ansible command line option, "-e applyGP=True". Before applying the golden payload, make sure that the golden_payload_path is updated in the ansible_input.json and the path exists.
Run "-e applyGP=True" with "–check" to know the difference between the current system's payload and proposed golden payload. Ansible throws a Confirmation message to run in check mode everytime when you apply the "-e applyGP=True". If you are in check mode, you can enter to continue, or Press Ctrl+C and A to abort the execution.
Once you confirm to applyGP with check mode, you can omit the --check option to deploy golden payload.
Command to run applyGP in check mode:
ansible-playbook -e "applyGP=True" --check -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
Command to apply the golden payload:
ansible-playbook -e "applyGP=True" -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
When you apply the golden payload, it prompts you the below message ensure that you run in the check mode. If you done with Check mode, press enter to continue or Ctrl+C and A to abort.
[cups : Check before apply golden payload]
Note: Ensure that you run Check mode only to find the difference between the Golden Payload and the current state. Press Ctrl+C and 'A' to abort, and 'ENTER' to continue.
Using gigamon_cups ansible module to create your own playbooks:
If you want to use the module in your own playbook instead of using the playbooks and pre-requisites defined above, you can send the full yaml payload through 'input_payload' option in the module. Ensure that you have created all the pre-requisite configurations on your own before using this module in your playbook.
Example Playbook:
name: Configure CUPS
hosts: localhost
# fm_credential_file is passed through cmdline extra args and its contents example is given below.
vars_files: "{{ fm_credential_file }}"
fm_ip: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].fm_ip | default(lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_FM_IP')) }}"
- name: Configuring only cups
fm_ip: "{{ fm_ip }}"
fm_username: "{{ fmInfo[fm_ip]['username'] }}"
fm_password: "{{ fmInfo[fm_ip]['password'] }}"
dr_path: "{{ deployment_report_path }}"
payload_path: "{{ yaml_payload_path }}"
input_payload: "/home/user/golden_payload.yaml"
state: "present"
If you do not want to use vars_files for credential, you can pass the IP, username, password directly in the tasks.
Sample Ansible Commands
The following are the sample ansible commands for various use cases:
- Create Solution:
ansible-playbook -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
--ask-value is used if you create ansible-vault for fmInfo.yml
- Update Solution:
It is the same command as create solution, ansible will update the solution instead of creating the solution.
ansible-playbook -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
- Delete Solution:
For deleting the solution, including the pre-requisites, call the delete_cups.yml playbook under playbooks/cups/delete_cups.yml
ansible-playbook -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/delete_cups.yml
- Check Mode:
To run in check mode, include the command line option, "–check".
ansible-playbook --check -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
- Apply Golden Payload in Checkmode:
This will not deploy the solution. It only generates the deployment report with the difference between the current and proposed payload.
ansible-playbook -e "applyGP=True" --check -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml
- Apply Golden Payload:
ansible-playbook -e "applyGP=True" -i ~/myInventory3/cups_inventory -e "@~/ansible_inputs.json" --ask-vault-pass playbooks/cups/deploy_cups.yml