Definitions of GigaSMART Statistics

The following sections provide definitions for the statistics displayed. Refer to the following:

NetFlow Monitor Statistics Definitions
NetFlow Exporter Statistics Definitions
IP Interfaces Statistics Definitions
GigaSMART Group Statistics Definitions
GigaSMART Group Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions
GigaSMART Operations Statistics Definitions

NetFlow Monitor Statistics Definitions

To view NetFlow Monitor statistics, select GigaSMART > NetFlow / IPFIX Generation > Monitor Statistics to open the Monitor Statistics page.

The following table describes NetFlow Monitor statistics displayed on the Monitor Statistics page:



No Entries

The current number of flows in the monitor cache.

High Watermark

The maximum number of flows that have ever been in the monitor cache.

Flows Added

The sum of all flows added to the monitor cache.

Flows Aged

The sum of the flows that have aged due to the following:

Active Timeout—The configured active timeout for the monitor cache was exceeded.
Inactive Timeout—The configured inactive timeout for the monitor cache was exceeded.
Event Aged—The number of entries aged from the cache because a TCP FIN/RST flag was received.
Watermark Aged—The number of entries aged from the cache because the CPU utilization of the cache exceeded 75%.
Emergency Aged—The number of entries aged from the cache because a user requested a forced flush through the CLI.

No of Active Timeout

The number of times the configured active timeout for the monitor cache was exceeded.

No of Inactive Timeout

The number of times the configured inactive timeout for the monitor cache was exceeded.

No of Event Aged

The number of entries aged from the cache because a TCP FIN/RST flag was received.

No of Watermarked Aged

The number of entries aged from the cache because the CPU utilization of the cache exceeded 75%.

No of Emergency Aged

The number of entries aged from the cache because a user requested a forced flush through the CLI.

NetFlow Exporter Statistics Definitions

To view NetFlow Exporter statistics, select GigaSMART > NetFlow / IPFIX Generation > Monitor Statistics to open the Exporter Statistics page.

The following table describes NetFlow Exporter statistics:




Templates Added

The number of data templates added to the exporter.

Records Added

The number of data records added to the exporter.

Filtered Records Removed

The number of records filtered by exporter filters

Empty Records Not Added

The number of records not added to NetFlow because they were empty or blank.

In the NetFlow record, if all the collect fields contain only enterprise extensions such as URL, HTTP, or DNS, and if during run-time, the records are blank or empty, they will be counted as Empty Records Not Added.

Packets Sent

The number of packets sent from the exporter to the collector.

Packet Dropped

The number of packets dropped, which could be due to the inability to send packets, such as there is no network connection or the port is down.

Packet Transmit Errors

The number of packets dropped, which could be due to the inability to send packets, such as there is no network connection or the port is down.

IP Interfaces Statistics Definitions

To view IP Interfaces statistics, select Ports > IP Interfaces > Statistics to open the IP Interfaces Statistics page. The statistics of the control traffic such as ARP, ICMP, and ICMPv6 for the physical node will be displayed. Figure 1: IP Interfaces Statistics shows an example.

Figure 154 IP Interfaces Statistics

The following table describes IP interfaces statistics:




IP Interface

The IP interface for which the statistics is displayed.

Bytes Rx

The number of bytes received into the IP interface.

Bytes Tx

The number of bytes transmitted out of the IP interface.

Packets Rx

The number of packets received into the IP interface.

Packets Tx

The number of packets transmitted out of the IP interface.

Multicast Packets Rx

The number of multicast packets received into the IP interface.

Discards Rx

The number of packets that were received and discarded by the IP interface.

Discards Tx

The number of packets that were transmitted out of the IP interface and were discarded.

Errors Rx

The number of packets with errors that were received into the IP interface.

Errors Tx

The number of packets with errors that were transmitted out of the IP interface.

Overruns Rx

The number of first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer errors that were received into the IP interface.

Overruns Tx

The number of first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer errors that were transmitted out of the IP interface.

Frame Rx

The number of frames received into the IP interface.

Carrier Tx

The number of packets in which carrier losses were detected when transmitted out of the IP interface.

Collisions Tx

The number of packets that were colliding when transmitted out of the IP interface.

SSL Application Statistics Definitions

The following table describes SSL application statistics:




The number of current active sessions.


The number of current session IDs that have been cached.


The number of current TLS tickets that have been cached.


The cumulative total number of sessions.


The number of sessions that passed SSL handshake between a client and server to establish a session.


The cumulative total number of failed sessions.


The total number of resumed sessions with a session ID.


The total number of resumed sessions with TLS tickets.


The number of SSL sessions that have timed out.


The average number of input packets per session.


The average number of output packets per session.

ASF Statistics Definitions

The following table describes ASF statistics:



Packet In

The number of packets received by the ASF application.

Session Created

The number of sessions created.

Session Freed

The number of sessions deleted.

Session Timeout

The number of sessions that were deleted due to inactivity (expiry of the session timer).

Packet Match Session

The number of incoming packets matching ASF sessions. This count does not include the packets that triggered the creation of the session.

Packets Buffered

The number of packets stored by buffer ASF prior to the APF match.

APF Match Pass

The number of packets matching a pass GigaSMART rule.

APF Match Drop

The number of packets matching a drop GigaSMART rule.

Packet Pass

The number of packets sent to tool ports due to a pass GigaSMART rule. (This includes packets belonging to pass sessions for ASF.)

Packet Drop

The number of packets dropped due to a drop GigaSMART rule. (This includes packets belonging to drop sessions for ASF.)

Packet No Match

The number of packets that did not match any GigaSMART rule. (This includes packets belonging to non-pass/drop sessions for ASF.)

Buffered Packet Pass

The number of buffered packets whose sessions matched a pass GigaSMART rule.

Buffered Packet Drop

The number of buffered packets whose sessions matched a drop GigaSMART rule.

Buffered Packet No Match

The number of buffered packets whose sessions did not match any GigaSMART rule.

Session Exceed Buffer Count

The number of sessions without an APF match after buffering that exceeded the configured buffer count.

Packet Exceed Buffer Count

The number of packets belonging to sessions that exceeded the configured buffer count.

Out of Buffer

The number of times GigaSMART ran out of packet buffer when trying to store a packet in a session.

Out of Session

The number of times GigaSMART ran out of session entries when trying to create a session.

GigaSMART Group Statistics Definitions

To view GigaSMART Group statistics, select GigaSMART > GigaSMART Groups > Statistics to open the Statistics page. Figure 2: GigaSMART Group Statistics shows an example.

Figure 155 GigaSMART Group Statistics

The following table describes GigaSMART group statistics:




Rx Packets

The cumulative number of packets coming into a GigaSMART group.

Tx Packets

The cumulative number of packets going out of a GigaSMART group.

Rx Octets

The cumulative number of bytes coming into a GigaSMART group.

Tx Octets

The cumulative number of bytes going out of a GigaSMART group.

Packet Drops

The cumulative number of packets dropped at a GigaSMART group.

Packet Received Errors

The cumulative number of received packets with errors at a GigaSMART group.

Heartbeat Status of eport

The status of heartbeat. The valid values are up, down, or NA. This heartbeat status is for a GigaSMART engine port on a GigaSMART group for inline SSL decryption

On a supported platform, such as GigaVUE-HC2, the status will be either up or down, followed by number of packets sent and received. On an unsupported platform, the status will be NA and the number of packets will not be displayed.

The heartbeat status for the GigaSMART cards is fully operational only when it is configured with the inline SSL application. In all other cases, the default value of the heartbeat status is Up and the status is generally ignored.

Heartbeat Rx Packets

The heartbeat receive packet count.

Heartbeat Tx Packets

The heartbeat transmit packet count.

GigaSMART Group Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions

The following sections provide definitions for the statistics that are reported for the GigaSMART group. Refer to the following:

Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for FlowVUE
Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for GTP
Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for GTP Overlap
Flow Ops Report Definitions for SIP/RTP Correlation
Flow Ops Report Definitions for Diameter S6a Correlation
Flow Ops Report Statistics for Out-of-Band SSL Decryption

Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for FlowVUE

The following table describes Flow Ops report statistics for FlowVUE:




Device IP

The IP address of the flow.

In Sample

The sample selected for pass (1) or drop (0).

Num Packets

The number of packets seen for the flow.

Num Octets

The sum of the packet lengths of all packets seen for the flow.


The number of devices.


The number of devices in the sample.

Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for GTP

The following table describes Flow Ops report statistics for GTP, including GTP flow filtering, GTP whitelisting, and GTP flow sampling:





The tunnel type (CTRL for control plane, USER for user data plane) and version (1 or 2).

Interface EBI:LBI[QCI]

The interface and Evolved Packet System (EPS) Bearer Identifier (EBI), Linked Bearer Identity (LBI), and QoS Class Identifier.

IP:Tunnel-ID ==> IP:Tunnel-ID

The IP addresses and tunnel identifiers of both sides of the tunnel.

Note:  For LTE nodes only, the IP addresses can be both IPv4 and IPv6.


The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) value.


The Access Point Name (APN) value.


The IMSI had a match in the whitelist (WL) or did not. The values are N for no and Y for yes.


The IMSI was flow sampled or not. The values are A for accepted,
R for rejected, and N for no match.


The rule ID of the flow sample rule.

LB port

The load balancing port number.


The number of packets.


The internal clock time of when the session was created.

GTP Resource Summary

Num Sessions In Use

The number of correlated session in use.

Num Tunnels In Use

The number of used tunnels in the tunnel resource pool.

Tunnels Available

The number of available tunnels in the tunnel resource pool.

UPN CTunnels Available

The number of available tunnels in the UPN C tunnels resource pool.

Tunnels Pending Free

The number of tunnels marked free, ready to be returned to the tunnel resource pool.

Tunnels Marked Free

The number of times used tunnels are marked free.

Tunnels Returned

The number of times used tunnels are returned to the tunnel resource pool.

Current Time

The current time (in CPU cycles). Used for debugging.

Flow Filtering Report Summary

Control Tunnels

The total number control tunnels.

Control & User Tunnels

The total number of control and user tunnels.

GTP Session Stats

The interface type: Gn/Gp, S1U/S11, S5/S8, S3/S4, or Other.


The number of sessions by interface.

Note the following:

The counter for S3/S4 will always be 0 (not supported).
The S10 interface is counted under Other.


The number of tunnels by interface.

Pending Session

The number of sessions waiting for control message response.

Control Only Session

The number of sessions without user bearers.

Flow Sampling Report Summary

Total Devices

The total number devices in the flow sample

Number of Device in Sample

The number of devices used in each sample session

Flow SIP Report Summary

SIP Sessions

This graph displays the total sessions, total sessions in use and the number of parse errors.

RTP Sessions

This graph displays the total number of sessions and the total data pool in use.

GTP Interface Stats

For overlap maps, refer to the notes below the table for Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for GTP Overlap

Rx Pkts

The received (Rx) packets for GTP correlation statistics for GTP traffic by interface type: S11, S1u, S5S8 (control and user), Gn (control and user), total (control and user), collector (control and user).

Note:  If traffic does not match any map rules, it will be sent to the collector.

Rx Bytes

The received (Rx) bytes for GTP correlation statistics for GTP traffic by interface type.

Sample/WL/Filter (Tx) Pkts

The transmitted (Tx) packets sampled in for flow sampling, whitelisting, and flow filtering by interface type.

For example, if sampling is 60%, then 60% is sampled in.

Sample/WL/Filter (Tx) Bytes

The transmitted (Tx) bytes sampled in for flow sampling, whitelisting, and flow filtering by interface type.

Sample Out (Dropped) Pkts

The packets sampled out (dropped) by interface type.

For example, if sampling is 60%, then 40% is sampled out.

Sample Out (Dropped) Bytes

The bytes sampled out (dropped) by interface type.

Xaui Drop

The total traffic (Rx bytes and packets) dropped due to oversubscription on the interface into the GigaSMART.

Statistics for Control Message (GTP-c)


The GTPv1 (version 1) message type.

Cre PDP Req

Create Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context request.

Cre PDP Rsp

Create PDP context response.

Upd PDP Req

Update PDP context request.

Upd PDP Rsp

Update PDP context response.

Del PDP Req

Delete PDP context request.

Del PDP Rsp

Delete PDP context response.


The GTPv2 (version 2) message type.

Cre Ssn Req

Create session request.

Cre Ssn Rsp

Create session response.

Mod Bea Req

Modify bearer request.

Mod Bea Rsp

Modify bearer response.

Del Ssn Req

Delete session request.

Del Ssn Rsp

Delete session response.

Cre Bea Req

Create bearer request.

Cre Bea Rsp

Create bearer response.

Upd Bea Req

Update bearer request.

Upd Bea Rsp

Update bearer response.

Del Bea Req

Delete bearer request.

Del Bea Rsp

Delete bearer response.

Mod Bea Cmd

Modify bearer command.

Mod Bea Fai

Modify bearer failure indication.

Bea Rsr Cmd

Bearer resource command.

Bea Rsr Fai

Bearer resource failure indication.

Message Counters

Tool Pass

The number of control messages passed to the tools.

Col NoSess

The number of control messages sent to the collector without matching sessions.

Col NoTnlx

The number of “out of tunnels” requests sent to the collector for the control message.

Col ParseEr

The number of control messages sent to the collector with unsupported options.

Col NoRule

The number of control messages sent to the collector without matching rules.

Col Other

The number of control messages sent to the collector with other conditions, for example, the message matched a drop rule.

Statistics for User Data Message (GTP-u)

Tool Pass

The number of user data messages passed to the tools.


The number of user data messages sent to the collector without matching sessions.


The number of user data messages dropped.

Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for GTP Overlap

The following table describes Flow Ops report statistics for GTP overlap flow sampling. Since most fields are the same as Flow Ops Report Statistics Definitions for GTP on page 719, they are not repeated. Refer to the note below the table for GTP Interface Stats for overlap maps.





The tunnel type (CTRL for control plane, USER for user data plane) and version (1 or 2).

Interface EBI:LBI[QCI]

The interface and Evolved Packet System (EPS) Bearer Identifier (EBI), Linked Bearer Identity (LBI), and QoS Class Identifier.

IP:Tunnel-ID ==> IP:Tunnel-ID

The IP addresses and tunnel identifiers of both sides of the tunnel.


The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) value.


The Access Point Name (APN) value.

Overlap Result

The overlap result. A map group for GTP overlap flow sampling maps contains six maps. Each character in the result represents one of the maps. The result is in alphabetical order for each map within the map group. (There is no map priority.) Refer to the following legend:

A—Flow Sample Accept
R—Flow Sample Reject
W—Whitelist Accept
N—No Match


The number of packets.


The internal clock time of when the session was created.

The following notes are for the combination of overlap and non-overlap maps:

If at least one flow sample map accepts the packets among all the pairs of overlap maps, the Sample (Tx) counters in the GTP Interface Stats will be incremented. If more than one pair of maps accepts the packets the Sample (Tx) counters in the GTP Interface Stats will still be incremented only once.
If at least one whitelist map matches the packets among all the pairs of overlap maps, the Sample (Tx) counters in the GTP Interface Stats will be incremented. If more than one pair of maps matches the packets the Sample (Tx) counters in the GTP Interface Stats will still be incremented only once.
If there are no whitelist maps and all flow sample maps are no-rule-match, the Sample (Tx) and Sample Out counters in the GTP Interface Stats will not be incremented.

Flow Ops Report Definitions for SIP/RTP Correlation

The following table describes Flow Ops report statistics for SIP/RTP correlation.





The protocol, such as SIP, RTP, or RTCP.

Note:  The RTCP port number is assumed to be the corresponding RTP port number plus 1. This results in even numbered RTP ports and odd numbered RTCP ports.



The transport layer, such as UDP or TCP.


The SIP method (or SIP message).


The corresponding IP address of the caller.


The corresponding IP address of the callee.



The number of packets seen for this session.


The call identifier.


The caller/callee ID had a match in the whitelist (WL) or did not. The values are N for no and Y for yes.


The caller ID was flow sampled or not. The values are A for accepted, R for rejected, and N for no match.


The rule ID

LB port

The load balancing port number, which is the port over which the session has been load balanced. All SIP and corresponding RTP packets will be sent to this port.


The internal clock time of when the session was created.

Message counters

SIP messages

All the SIP messages that have been correlated, such as, ACK, BYE 200, CANCEL, INFO, and so on. These counters are cumulative

Tool Pass

The number of SIP messages passed to the tools


The number of SIP messages sent to the collector without matching sessions


The number of SIP messages sent to the collector without matching rules.




The number of SIP messages sent to the collector with other conditions.


SIP Resource Summary

Num Sessions In Use

The number of SIP sessions.

Sessions Available

The number of remaining SIP sessions available. (This varies by GigaVUE node.)


RTP Resource Summary

Num Data Pools In Use

The number of RTP sessions.

Data Pools Available

The number of remaining RTP sessions available. (This varies by GigaVUE node.)

Flow Ops Report Definitions for Diameter S6a Correlation

The following table describes the Flow Ops report statistics for diameter correlation.



User Name

The User name

Session ID

Session ID of the diameter session

Application ID

Application ID

LB Port

The load balancing port number, which is the port over which the session has been load balanced.


The number of packets.


The user name had a match in the whitelist (WL) or not. The values are:

N for No
Y for Yes.


The user name was flow sampled or not. The values are:

A for accepted
R for rejected
N for no match


Diameter S6a messages that have been correlated succesfully.

Tool Pass

The number of user data messages passed to the tools.


The number of diameter messages sent to the collector without matching sessions


The number of diameter messages sent to the collector without matching rules.


The number of unprocessed packets.


The number of packets in rejected section.


The number of packets that didnot match the other criteria.

Flow Ops Report Statistics for Out-of-Band SSL Decryption

The following table describes Flow Ops report statistics for out-of-band SSL decryption:




Server IP

The IP address of the server.

Server Port

The port number of the server.

Client IP

The IP address of the client.

Client Port

The port number of the client.


The version.

First Error

The first error encountered on a session. After the first error, subsequent packets are dropped. If a session encounters errors, the packets for that session are ignored. The session will be cleared after the session times out.

In Pkts

The number of packets going into the session.

Out Pkts

The number of packets transmitted out of the session.


The total number of out-of-band SSL decryption sessions.


The cumulative total number of SSL 3.0 sessions.


The cumulative total number of TLS 1.0 sessions.


The cumulative total number of TLS 1.1 sessions.


The cumulative total number of TLS 1.2 sessions.


The number of current session IDs.


The number of current TLS tickets.

GigaSMART Operations Statistics Definitions

To view GigaSMART Operations statistics, select GigaSMART > GigaSMART Operations (GSOP) > Statistics to open the Statistics page.

The following table describes the statistics that are common to all GigaSMART operations:




Pkts Drop

The cumulative number of packets dropped at a GigaSMART operation for a map.

Pkts Rx

The cumulative number of packets coming into a GigaSMART operation for a map.

Octets Rx

The cumulative number of bytes coming into a GigaSMART operation for a map.

Pkts Term

The cumulative number of packets of a terminated session of a GigaSMART operation for a map.

Octets Tx

The cumulative number of bytes going out of a GigaSMART operation for a map.

Pkts Tx

The cumulative number of packets going out of a GigaSMART operation for a map.

Pkts Drop No Init

For internal debugging.

Pkts Parse Err

The cumulative number of packets with invalid or unsupported header types of a GigaSMART operation for a map.

The following sections provide definitions for the statistics that are specific to a particular GigaSMART operation. Refer to the following:

Out-of-Band SSL Decryption Statistics Definitions
Inline SSL Decryption Statistics Definitions
De-duplication Statistics Definitions
ERSPAN Statistics Definitions
Tunnel Decapsulation Statistics Definitions
Tunnel Encapsulation Statistics Definitions
APF Statistics Definitions
ASF Statistics Definitions
Masking Statistics Definitions
Slicing Statistics Definitions
Header Stripping Statistics Definitions
Generic Header Stripping Statistics Definitions
Trailer Statistics Definitions
FlowVUE Statistics Definitions
NetFlow Statistics Definitions

Out-of-Band SSL Decryption Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for out-of-band SSL decryption:




Sessions Total

The cumulative total number of sessions.

Sessions Active

The number of currently active sessions.

Inline SSL Decryption Statistics Definitions

The statistics for inline SSL decryption are described in Inline SSL Decryption.

De-duplication Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for de-duplication (including the statistics that are displayed in a cluster environment):




Ip 6 Missed Op Busy

For IPv6 packets, the number of non-duplicate packets passed through without storing because the GigaSMART engine was too busy processing other packets.

Note:  Applies only to non-duplicate packets.

Non Ip Dupl

The number of non-IPv4 and non-IPv6 duplicate packets detected.

Non Ip

The number of non-IPv4 and non-IPv6 packets received for de-duplication.

Ip 6 Missed Op Space

For IPv6 packets, the number of non-duplicate packets passed through without storing because the GigaSMART engine did not have enough storage space.

Note:  Applies only to non-duplicate packets.

Non Ip Missed Op Busy

For non-IPv4 and non-IPv6 packets, the number of non-duplicate packets passed through without storing because the GigaSMART engine was too busy processing other packets.

Note:  Applies only to non-duplicate packets.

Non Ip Missed Op Space

For non-IPv4 and non-IPv6 packets, the number of non-duplicate packets passed through without storing because the GigaSMART engine did not have enough storage space.

Note:  Applies only to non-duplicate packets.

Ip 4 Missed Op Busy

For IPv4 packets, the number of non-duplicate packets passed through without storing because the GigaSMART engine was too busy processing other packets.

Note:  Applies only to non-duplicate packets.

Ip 4 Missed Op Space

For IPv4 packets, the number of non-duplicate packets passed through without storing because the GigaSMART engine did not have enough storage space.

Note:  Applies only to non-duplicate packets.

Ip 4 Ipid Tcp Rst

The number of TCP RESETs for IPv4 plus TCP packets. (IPv4 plus TCP RESET packets are not de-duplicated.)

Ip 6 Dupl

The number of IPv6 duplicate packets detected.

Ip 4 Dupl

The number of IPv4 duplicate packets detected.

ERSPAN Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for ERSPAN tunnel:




Drop Type 3 Marker Bad Sig

The number of ERSPAN Type III packets that have a bad marker packet signature. The expected marker packet signature is 0xa5a5a5a5.

Pkts Too Big

The number of ERSPAN packets that are larger than 9600 bytes after the timestamp trailer is added. These packets will be dropped.

Pkts Rx Type 3

The total number of ERSPAN Type III packets received.

Pkts Tx Type 3 Marker

The total number of ERSPAN Type III marker packets received. (These packets are not forwarded.)

Pkts Rx Type 2

The total number of ERSPAN Type II packets received.

Type 3 Marker Overdue

The number of ERSPAN Type III marker packets that are overdue. Based on granularity, if a marker packet does not arrive by the time specified, it is considered overdue. Refer to ERSPAN Granularity.

pkts Rx

The total number of ERSPAN packets received into the IP interface.

Drop Unknown Proto

The number of packets dropped because they were not recognized as ERSPAN packets or ERSPAN marker packets.

Drop Id No Hit

The number of ERSPAN packets with a wrong flow ID/ERSPAN ID.

Tunnel Decapsulation Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for tunnel decapsulation:




GMIP Tunnel

Drop Wrong Addr

The number of GMIP tunneled packets dropped whose destination UDP port does not match the configured value.

Drop Other

The number of GMIP tunneled packets dropped because of fragmented packets.

Pkts Rx

The number of packets received into the IP interface.

Reassemble Rx Success

The number of incoming packets successfully reassembled.

Drop Unknown Proto

The number of packets through the network IP interface dropped if they are neither IPv4 or UDP packets.

Reassemble Rx

The number of incoming packets to be reassembled.

Drop Reassemble Mem Full

The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to lack of memory for reassembly.

Sliced Mtu

Not valid for tunnel decapsulation.

Drop Reassemble Max Hold

The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to the arrival of too many fragments not yet reassembled. The maximum fragment sessions are already held for reassembly.

Drop No Arp

The number of packets dropped because ARP was not resolved on the IP interface (in particular, on a tool IP interface).

Drop Reassemble Overlap Frag

The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to overlapping reassembly fragments.

L2GRE Tunnel

Drop Key Mismatch

The number of packets dropped due to key mismatch.

Pkts Rx

The number of packets received into the IP interface.

Reassemble Rx Success

The number of incoming packets successfully reassembled.

Drop Unknown Proto

The number of packets dropped due to an unknown protocol.

Reassemble Rx

The number of incoming packets to be reassembled.

Drop Reassemble Mem Full

The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to lack of memory for reassembly.

Drop Reassemble Max Hold

The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to the arrival of too many fragments not yet reassembled. The maximum fragment sessions are already held for reassembly.

Drop Other

The number of packets dropped due to other reasons.

Drop Reassemble Overlap Frag

The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to overlapping reassembly fragments.

Tunnel Encapsulation Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for tunnel encapsulation:




GMIP Encap Tunnel

Fragment Rx

The number of incoming packets to be fragmented.

Drop Other

Not valid for tunnel encapsulation.

Pkts Rx

The number of packets received into the IP interface.

Fragment Tx

The number of outgoing packets sent to the tunnel after fragmentation.

Sliced Mtu

The number of packets that are sliced to the MTU size of the tool IP interface.

Drop No Arp

The number of packets dropped because ARP was not resolved on the IP interface (in particular, on a tool IP interface).

L2GRE Encap Tunnel

Fragment Rx

The number of incoming packets to be fragmented.

Pkts Rx

The number of packets received into the IP interface.

Fragment Tx

The number of outgoing packets sent to the tunnel after fragmentation.

Session Current Total

The number of currently active sessions.

Session Alloc Fail

The number of session allocations that failed.

Session Lookup

The number of lookups in a session.

Session Lookup Success

The number of lookups in a session that were a success.

Session Alloc

The number of sessions allocated.

Session Timedout

The number of sessions that timed out after a configured timer value.

Sliced Mtu

The number of packets that are sliced to the MTU size of the tool IP interface.

Drop No Arp

The number of packets dropped because ARP was not resolved on the IP interface (in particular, on a tool IP interface).

CUSTOM Decap Tunnel


The number of packets received into the IP interface.


The number of packets dropped due to an unknown protocol.


The number of packets dropped due to source port mismatch.


The number of packets dropped due to destination port mismatch.


The number of incoming packets to be reassembled.


The number of incoming packets successfully reassembled. For example, if four (4) packets are reassembled into one (1), 4 is displayed in this field.


The actual number of packets sent out the tool port. For example, if four (4) packets are reassembled into one (1), 1 is displayed in this field.


The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to overlapping reassembly fragments.


The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to the arrival of too many fragments not yet reassembled. The maximum fragment sessions are already held for reassembly.


The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to lack of memory for reassembly.


The number of packets dropped due to timeout in the reassembly queue.

VXLAN Decap Tunnel


The number of packets received into the IP interface.


The number of packets dropped due to an unknown protocol.


The number of packets dropped due to source port mismatch.


The number of packets dropped due to destination port mismatch.


The number of incoming packets to be reassembled.


The number of incoming packets successfully reassembled. For example, if four (4) packets are reassembled into one (1), 4 is displayed in this field.


The actual number of packets sent out the tool port. For example, if four (4) packets are reassembled into one (1), 1 is displayed in this field.


The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to overlapping reassembly fragments.


The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to the arrival of too many fragments not yet reassembled. The maximum fragment sessions are already held for reassembly.


The number of packets not successfully reassembled and dropped due to lack of memory for reassembly.


The number of packets dropped due to timeout in the reassembly queue.

APF Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for APF:




Apf Drop

The number of packets matching the GigaSMART drop rules.

Apf Pass

The number of packets matching the GigaSMART pass rules.

Rule Not Match

The number of packets not matching any GigaSMART rules in the map.

Masking Err

The number of masking errors in the map. This number is usually zero (0), which indicates no issues with the masking operation. If the number is non-zero, it indicates there is some issue with the masking operation.

ASF Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for ASF:




Session Created

The number of sessions created.

Session Deleted

The number of sessions deleted.

Session Timeout

The number of sessions that were deleted due to inactivity (expiry of the session timer).

Session Matched (pkt)

The number of incoming packets matching ASF sessions. This count does not include the packets that triggered the creation of the session.

Exceed Count Drop

The number of packets dropped, even if they matched a flow session, because a packet-count was configured and exceeded.

Masking Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for masking:




No Header

The number of packets with no configured masking protocol.

Too Short

The number of packets with a length less than the masking offset.

Slicing Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for slicing:




No Header

The number of packets with no configured header for slicing.

Too Short

The number of packets with a length less than the slicing length.

Min Len

The number of packets that are sliced to less than 64 bytes.

Header Stripping Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for header stripping:




Id No Hit

The number of packets that do not match the configured VXLAN ID to be stripped.

Fm 6000 Pkts Ts

The number of packets received with the FM6000 timestamp.

Unknown Next

The number of packets not stripped of their configured header type as the packets will have an unknown header after the header is stripped.

No Header

The number of packets with no configured header type to be stripped.

Fm 6000 Data Pkt Too Big

The number of FM6000 packets that are larger than 9600 bytes after the timestamp trailer is added. These packets will be dropped.

Fm 6000 Keyframe Overdue

The number of FM6000 key frames that are overdue. By default, the key frame rate is 1 packet per second. If a key frame is not received in 1 second, this statistic is incremented.

Fm 6000 Keyframe

The number of key frames received from the FM6000 device. Key frames are marker packets that carry information to convert the FM6000 timestamp to UTC time.

Generic Header Stripping Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for generic header stripping:





The number of packets with no configured first anchor header.


The number of packets that are not stripped as the configured offset size exceeds the size of the first anchor header.


The number of packets with no configured second anchor header.


The number of packets that are not stripped as the configured strip length exceeds the packet length.


The number of packets that are successfully stripped.


The number of packets that are dropped as the first anchor header is incompatible with the second anchor header after the stripping operation is complete.

Trailer Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for trailers:





The number of packets for which the size of the packet has become greater than the maximum supported size (9600) when adding the trailer. This count is incremented with one trailer added to the packet.

FlowVUE Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for FlowVUE:




Dev Ip Src Match

The number of packets with a source IP matching the range defined in the GigaSMART parameters (gsparams).

Exceed License Warn

The number flows that exceed the installed license.

Exceed License Err

The number of flows that exceed the installed license error limit. (The limit is the number of sessions in the license plus 5%.)

Dev Ip No Match

The number of packets with a source and destination IP that does not match any of the ranges defined in the GigaSMART parameters (gsparams).

Dev Ip Non Ip

The number of packets with no IP headers (and hence, not sampled).

Dev Ip Dst Match

The number of packets with a destination IP matching the range defined in the GigaSMART parameters (gsparams).

Out of Resource

The number of times there was a failure to allocate resources for recording a new flow.

Note:  The maximum supported flows for each engine port is 2 million.

Dev Ip Drop Not In Sample

The number of packets dropped by the sampling application, not because of errors, but because the flow was sampled to be dropped.

NetFlow Statistics Definitions

The following table describes GigaSMART operations statistics for NetFlow:




Out of Resource

The number of times there was a failure to allocate resources for recording a new flow.

Note:  The maximum supported flows for each engine port is 2 million.

Non Ip

The number of packets received that are not IPv4 or IPv6.

Non Configured

Packets received when NetFlow is not enabled in the GigaSMART group.

Ssl Active Sessions

The number of currently active SSL sessions monitored by NetFlow.

Total Ssl Sessions

The cumulative total number of SSL sessions monitored by NetFlow.