Create Tunnel

You can create tunnels on the encapsulation side and/or decapsulation side. To create a tunnel:

1.   From the device view, go to Ports > Tunnels.
2. Click New. The Tunnel configuration page appears.
3. In the Alias and Comment fields, enter the name and description of the tunnel.
4. From the Type drop-down list, select one of the following option:
Circuit-ID—to create Circuit-ID tunnels.
VXLAN—to create VXLAN tunnels.
L2GRE—to create L2GRE tunnels.
5. Select one of the following modes:
Encap—Select this mode to send the encapsulated traffic to the destination node that resides in another cluster.
Decap—Select this mode to decapsulate the traffic received from the source node that resides in another cluster.

Note:  The Mode field is available only when you select Circuit-ID in the Type drop-down list.

6. In the Circuit-ID field, enter the circuit ID used to encapsulate or decapsulate the traffic. You can enter multiple circuit-IDs when you create a circuit-ID tunnel for decapsulation.

Note:  This field is available only when you select Circuit-ID in the Type drop-down list.

7. From the Attached entity drop-down list, select the required entity based on the tunnel type you are creating:
If you are creating a Circuit-ID tunnel, this field is available only when you select the Mode as Decap. Ensure that you attach the required circuit ports or circuit GigaStreams.
If you are creating a VXLAN tunnel or a L2GRE tunnel, ensure that you select the IP interface to which you have attached the circuit port.
8. Click OK.

The newly added tunnel appears in the Tunnels listing page.