Create Metadata Intelligence by Selecting Applications from Dashboard

You can create an Application Metadata Intelligence session in GigaVUE-FM by selecting the applications available from the Total Applications displayed on the Application Intelligence dashboard.

To create an Application Metadata Intelligence session, follow these steps:

1.   Go to Physical > Physical Nodes.
2. Click the Cluster ID of the device.
3. From the navigation pane, click App Intelligence.Select the applications from the Total Applications in the right pane of the Application Intelligence dashboard.
4. Click Operations and select App Metadata from the drop-down list.

You can view the list of applications selected in the Selected Applications section.

Application Metadata Intelligence generates more than 5000 attributes for more than 3200 applications without impacting the users, devices, applications, or the network appliances. The feature identifies applications even when the traffic is encrypted.

5. Expand the application and select the attributes to be filtered.

Note:  You can select the attributes only if the application has attributes.

6. In the Destination Traffic section, click + Add New and enter the following information:

0Tool Name - Enter the name of the tool to which you want to export the application-specific metadata.

a. Tool IP Address - Enter the IP address of the tool to which you want to export the application-specific metadata.
b. IP Interface - Select the IP interface through which the GigaVUE-FM needs to export the application-specific metadata to the tools. You can also choose to create a new IP Interface.

Note:   You can edit the Tool IP Address and the IP Interface only through CLI commands. For more details refer to GigaVUE OS CLI Reference Guide v5600.

c. Select the tool template containing the list of applications and attributes that needs to be exported.
d. Enter the L4 Source Port, and the L4 Destination Port details.

Note:  If the export format is CEF, the default value for L4 destination port is 514. If the export format is NetFlow, the default value for L4 destination port is 2055.

e. Select the Format as CEF or NetFlow from the Format drop-down list.
f. Select the Record/Template type as either of the following:
Segregated - The application-specific attributes and the generic attributes will be exported as an individual record to the tool.
Cohesive- The application-specific attributes and the generic attributes will be combined as a single record and exported to the tool.
g. Enter the Active Timeout, InActive Timeout and Template Refresh time interval.

Note:  The format and the record/template type get selected automatically, after selecting the Tool Template.

7. In the Application Metadata Settings section:
a. Select the Flow Behavior as any one of the following:
Bi-Directional. The default value is Bi-Directional.
b. Enter the Timeout and Cache Size. The cache size range allowed for different platform is given in the following table:


Range in million







c. If you want to include the VLAN ID along with the 5-tuple to identify the traffic flow, select the Data Link and enable the VLAN option.
8. In the Selected Applications section, select Export and click Export To for the applications that needs to be exported to the destination tool.
9. Click Save.