Get Started with Flow Mapping®
You can manage packet distribution in both the GigaVUE‑OS command-line interface (CLI) and GUI (GigaVUE‑FM). Both interfaces allow you to perform all packet distribution tasks:
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designating ports as network or tool ports |
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mapping network ports to tool ports |
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many other such functions |
Note: These tasks can also be performed with the GigaVUE-FM APIs. For more information about the APIs, refer to GigaVUE-FM REST API Reference in GigaVUE-FM User's Guide.
For the setup of a few simple maps, refer to the following sections for examples:
Check Status of Nodes and Ports
Before configuring maps, check the status of line cards, modules, and ports. To view the status of line cards and modules, select Chassis from navigation pane and select Table view. For more information about the Chassis page, refer to the “Chassis” section in the GigaVUE‑OS and GigaVUE-FM Administration Guide.
From the left navigation pane, go to System > Ports > Ports > All Ports to see a table with details about each port. For more information about ports, refer to About Ports and Managing Ports.