Install GigaVUE‑FM on Azure

The GigaVUE‑FM can be launched from the Azure VM dashboard or Azure Marketplace. The following instructions describes how to launch GigaVUE‑FM in your VNet from the Azure VM Dashboard. Refer to Create a Linux virtual machine in the Azure topics in Azure Documentation for more information.

In the Virtual Machines page, click Create to create an Azure Virtual Machine. The following table describes the important fields.





Select your subscription.

Resource Group

Select an existing resource group or create a new resource group. For more information, refer to Create a resource group topic in the Azure Documentation.

Virtual machine name

Enter a name for the VM.


Select a region for Azure VM.


Select the latest GigaVUE‑FM images.

Note:  You cannot select multiple images for a VM. Refer to Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in Azure for more details on configuring GigaVUE V Series Node, GigaVUE V Series Proxy, and G-vTAP Controller in Azure.


For V Series 2 configuration, the recommended instance types are as follows:

GigaVUE‑FM - Standard_D4s_v3
G-vTAP Controller - Standard_B1ms
V Series Node - Standard_D4s_v4
V Series Proxy - Standard_B1ms

For the V Series 1 configuration, the recommended instance types are as follows:

GigaVUE‑FM - Standard_DS2_v2
G-vTAP Controller - Standard_B1s
V Series Node - Standard_DS2_v2
V Series Controller - Standard_B1s

Authentication Type

Select an authentication type.

SSH public key
o Enter the administrator username for the VM.
o Enter the SSH public key pair name.
o Enter the administrator username for the VM.
o Enter the administrator password.


Disk Size

The required disk size for GigaVUE‑FM is 2 x 40GB.


Virtual Network

Select an existing VNet or create a new VNet. For more information, refer to Create a virtual network topic in the Azure Documentation.

On selecting an existing VNet, the Subnet and the Public IP values are auto-populated.

Configure network security group

Select an existing network security group or create a new network security group. For more information, refer to Network Security Groups. Configure the Network Security Group to allow GigaVUE-FM to communicate with the rest of the components.

Note:  Verify the summary before proceeding to create. It will take several minutes for the VM to initialize. After the initialization is completed, you can verify the VM through the Web interface.

After the VM deployment, navigate to the VM overview page, copy the Public IP address, and paste it in a new web browser tab.

If GigaVUE‑FM is deployed in Azure, use admin123A!! as the password for the admin user to login to GigaVUE‑FM. You must change the default password after logging in to GigaVUE‑FM.