Installation of Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server
This section provides information about:
What is Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server |
Installing SMAF Server |
Installation of Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server |
Debugging SMAF server as systemd |
What is Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server
Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server (SMAF) is responsible for collecting the Transaction Event Records and Application Intelligence Flow Records from various GTP-c or Application Metadata Intelligence(AMI) Nodes in the network environment. The collected records are correlated and the related information are merged together to form a final Subscriber Aware Metadata , which is sent to the customer data collection centers. More design and functional behaviors can be found at: Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server.
Installing SMAF Server
There are various ways to run the SMAF server, the two common methods used are:
Running as Systemd Process |
Running as binary application |
The prerequisites required for the installation are:
Installing as Systemd Process
You can install SMAF server using script
Validating the installation
To validate the installation, you should check:
Check for directories created |
Check for users |
Check for default configuration and creation of configuration template |
Running SMAF Server
The SMAF server runs either a
Prerequisites |
Running SMAF Server as Systemd Service |
Running as Binary |
Running SMAF Server as Systemd Service
After installation, follow these steps to run:
Running as Binary
Take the binary from systemd installation or development environment and run using the following command
am@Interlaken:/usr/share/gigamon/smaf/aggregator/bin$ sudo ./smaf-aggre --config ../conf/config.yaml
Debugging SMAF server as systemd
The following common systemd logs can be used for the debugging purpose:
Journalctl Logs |
SMAF Log |
Installation of Sub-Metadata Aggregator Function Server |
The logs are saved and rotated as per the configuration in the config.yaml file:
level: debug
console: true
file: /usr/share/gigamon/smaf/aggregator/log/log/
file_size: 10mb
encoder: development
am@Interlaken:~$ ls -lrt /usr/share/gigamon/smaf/aggregator/log/
total 1044
-rw-r--r-- 1 inverness inverness 986 Nov 23 05:05 log.2020-11-23T05:05:29Z.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 inverness inverness 6176 Nov 23 07:17 log.2020-11-23T07:17:30Z.gz