Viewing the PTP Foreign Source Details

Use the PTP Foreign Source page to view the PTP details of the source that is learned by a port. The foreign source record will be available only when a port is in the receiver state. To view this page, go to Settings > Date and Time > PTP Foreign Source.

In Figure 1, you can see that there is no foreign sourcerecord for the port 1/1/c13 because the port is in the source state. Whereas, the foreign source record appears for the port 1/1/c29, which is in the receiver state.


Figure 63 PTP Foreign Source Details

Following table lists the PTP foreign source attributes and their descriptions:

PTP Foreign Source Attribute


Port ID / Port Alias

The port identifier.

Box ID

The box identifier of the device.

Best Source

The best source clock for the device.

Port Identity

The clock identity of the foreign source that the port has learned.

Primary Source Priority2

The priority value of the primary source that is used when Primary source Priority1 value is the same for different sources in a network.

Announce Msg Count

The total number of announce messages that were sent and received by the port.

Steps Removed

The number of boundary clocks between the local clock and the foreign source clock.

Primary Source Clock Identity

The clock identity of the primary source. It is a 64-bit global identifier (EUI-64) as defined by the IEEE standard.

Port Module Number

The module number of the physical port.

Port Number

The physical port identifier.

PTP Protocol

The protocol used by the PTP is IPv4 Ethernet.

Clock Address

The IP address that is derived based on the clock ID.

Primary Source Priority1

The priority value of the primary source clock. Lower value takes precedence.

Last Sync

The time when the last synchronization message was sent by the foreign source to the receiver.

Last Follow Up

The time when the last follow-up message was sent by the receiver to the foreign source.

Last Delay Response

The time when the last delay response was sent by the foreign source to the receiver.

Mtsd Scaled Avar

MTSD-scaled Allan variance (nsec-sq).

Quality Class

The traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the foreign source clock.

Quality Offset

The log variance field of the announce message.

Quality Accuracy

The clock accuracy indicates the expected accuracy of the foreign source clock.