Install U-Boot (If a Newer Version is Available)

After checking the U-Boot version, if a newer version is available, you will have to do a U-Boot installation.

Install U-Boot after the image installation if it does not match the Bootloader Version column in Bootloader Code by GigaVUE‑OS Release. Use this procedure in particular when you are upgrading from an older software version.

After the image installation of 5.14.xx, use the following command (type uboot in full):

(config) # show uboot

If there is a newer U-Boot version available, the output of the show uboot command displays it. For example in the following output, the installed U-Boot is 2011.06.8, but 2011.06.9 is available for installation.

* Installed U-Boot binary: 2011.06.8 (Dec 06 2016 - 04:35:29)* U-Boot binary from active/booted image: 2011.06.9 (Feb 09 2017-02:16:26)

If there is a newer U-Boot version available, use the following command to install it:

(config) # uboot install

The binary bootloader code included with the installed image is installed.

Note:  The newer U-Boot version only goes into effect after a reload.