gigastream advanced-hash

Use the gigastream advanced-hash command to select the criteria for the advanced-hash algorithm. The advanced-hash method you specify is used for all types of GigaStream in place on the specified line card or chassis. The advanced-hash configuration affects hashing behavior of the following port types:

■   Tool ports
■   Hybrid ports
■   Circuit ports

The gigastream advanced-hash command has the following syntax:

   slot <slot number>

The following table describes the arguments for the gigastream advanced-hash command:



slot <slot number>

On the GigaVUE‑HC3, GigaVUE‑HC2, and GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaStream hashing is per chassis, not per line card. Specify slot cc1 in the CLI command. For the following GigaVUE‑HC2 example, the configuration will apply to the chassis:

(config) # gigastream advanced-hash slot 4/cc1 all


Enables all hash criteria fields, including Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 fields.

Note:  When both Layer 3 (IPv4 or IPv6) and Layer 2 (MAC) fields are enabled for a given GigaStream and there is a mix of Layer 3 and Layer 2 packets, Layer 3 will take precedence. The incremental Layer 3 packets will hash; the incremental Layer 2 packets will not hash.


Sets the advanced-hash algorithm to its default settings. By default, the advanced-hash algorithm includes source leader in a bidirectional clock relationship (formerly master)/destination IPv4/IPv6 addresses and ports (ipsrc, ipdst, ip6src, ip6dst, protocol).

For example:

(config) # gigastream advanced-hash slot 1/1 default


Specifies the hash criteria:

ethertype—Adds L2 ethertype field.
gtpteid—Adds GTP tunnel endpoint identifier.
ip6dst—Adds IPv6 destination IP.
ip6nextHeader—Adds IPv6 next header field.
ip6src—Adds IPv6 source IP.
ipdst—Adds IPv4 destination IP.
ipsrc—Adds IPv4 source IP.
macdst—Adds L2 destination MAC.
macsrc—Adds L2 source MAC.
mpls—Adds MPLS label (up to three).
port6dst—Adds IPv6 destination port.
port6src—Adds IPv6 source port.
portdst—Adds IPv4 destination port.
portsrc—Adds IPv4 source port.
protocol—Adds IPv4 protocol.
ingressport—Adds ingress port.

For example:

(config) # gigastream advanced-hash slot 2/1 fields portsrc portdst

Note:  Layer 2 hash criteria (ethertype, macdst, and macsrc) are only honored for Layer 2 packets. They are not used to hash TCP/IP packets.

Refer to the “Advanced Hashing” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details.

Starting in software version 5.1, ipsrc, ipdst, ip6src, and ip6dst fields inside an MPLS tunnel can also be used for hashing across GigaStream ports. Refer to the “Advanced Hashing with MPLS” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide.

Starting in software version 5.2, GTP TEID can also be used for hashing across GigaStream ports. Refer to the “Advanced Hashing with GTP TEID” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide.


Clears all fields from the advanced hash.

For example:

(config) # gigastream advanced-hash slot 1/1 none

Related Commands

The following table summarizes other commands related to the gigastream advanced-hash command:



Displays regular GigaStream advanced hash fields.

# show gigastream advanced-hash

Displays regular GigaStream advanced hash fields for a specified box ID.

# show gigastream advanced-hash box-id 24

Displays regular GigaStream advanced hash fields for a specified box ID in table format.

# show gigastream advanced-hash box-id 24 brief

Displays regular GigaStream advanced hash fields for a specified slot.

# show gigastream advanced-hash box-id 24 slot 24/1

Displays regular GigaStream advanced hash fields for a specified slot in table format.

# show gigastream advanced-hash box-id 24 slot 24/1 brief

Displays detailed information on a specified GigaStream.

# show gigastream alias stream1

Displays detailed information for all configured GigaStream.

show gigastream all

Displays a summary table of all configured GigaStream.

show gigastream brief

Deletes a specified GigaStream trunk.

(config) # no gigastream alias stream1

Deletes a comment on a specified GigaStream.

(config) # no gigastream alias stream1 comment

Deletes the mapping of specified hash bucket IDs to ports for a specified controlled GigaStream.

Note:  If the GigaStream is already attached to a map, the last mapped hash bucket ID cannot be deleted.

(config) # gigastream alias stream1

(config gigastream alias stream1) # no hash-bucket-id 4

Deletes all GigaStream.

(config) # no gigastream all

Deletes all GigaStream except stack-link GigaStream.

(config) # no gigastream all keep-stack