Upgrade GigaVUE-FM from the UI
This section describes the steps to upgrade GigaVUE-FM from the UI. You can upgrade by using an image that is located on an external image server, or you can use GigaVUE-FM as the image server.
Keep in mind the following rules and notes before you upgrade GigaVUE‑FM from the UI:
- When using the GigaVUE-FM UI to upgrade GigaVUE-FM, you can only upgrade to the currently available version or to the next version. You cannot downgrade.
- When using the Firefox browser, clear the cache before upgrading to prevent issues with the browser.
- When upgrading GigaVUE-FM to the latest image file, the upgrade operation will fail if GigaVUE-FM already has three image files. Delete the unused image files before proceeding to download a new image file.
Note: You can enable auto-purge of GigaVUE-FM images using an API. Contact Gigamon Technical Support for assistance.
Upgrade from External Image Server
This section provides the steps for upgrading the GigaVUE-FM from an image stored on an external server. The image can be transferred from the server to the GigaVUE-FM using either SCP or TFTP file protocols.
To upgrade with an image stored on an external image server, do the following:
Upload the image to the external image server to make it available to GigaVUE-FM. |
To obtain software images, register on the Gigamon Customer Portal and download the software.
Add the image server to GigaVUE-FM. This stores the credentials, image file name, and IP address of the server on GigaVUE-FM. |
To add the image server:
On the left navigation pane, click . |
Select System on the left navigation panel and go to Images > External Servers. The External Servers page appears. |
Click Add. The Add External Server page appears. |
On the Images Server page, specify the following: |
An alias to help identify the image server. |
The host IP address of the server. |
The protocol to use for the download: SCP or TFTP. |
The user name and password if you selected SCP. They are not needed for TFTP. |
The External Server page displays the newly added external server. From the Admin drop-down list in the top right corner of the window, select Upgrade to open the FM Image Upgrade page as shown in the following figure.
To monitor the progress and status of the upgrade, click
“GigaVUE Administration Guide”.
On the FM Image Upgrade page, click on the Image Server field and select the server added in Step 2. |
In the Image File Path, enter the image path and filename on the external file server. |
Upgrade any deployed GigaVUE-VMs. |
After upgrading GigaVUE-FM, you must also upgrade any deployed GigaVUE-VMs. Otherwise, maps may not work and the GigaVUE-VMs will be unreachable. For information about upgrading GigaVUE-VM, refer to the “Bulk Upgrading GigaVUE-VM Nodes” section in the GigaVUE Cloud Suite for VMware—GigaVUE V Series Guide.
Upgrade with GigaVUE-FM as the Image Server
This section provides the steps for upgrading GigaVUE-FM when GigaVUE-FM is used as the file server instead of an external server.
Upgrading from GigaVUE-FM 5.6.01 to 5.7.xx.00 or 5.7.01 via an internal image will not work because internal server storage does not function during the upgrade procedure. Alternatively, you can upgrade using an external image server or the GigaVUE-FM CLI or you can use the GigaVUE-FM internal storage to store the GigaVUE-FM image, and point to it as if it were an external server as follows :
- Add the GigaVUE-FM 5.7 image under the GigaVUE-FM internal image server (/config/gigamon/imagesRepo).
- Configure the GigaVUE-FM external server with the GigaVUE-FM IP address.
- Initiate the upgrade process, select External Image Server, and then specify the path to the GigaVUE-FM Image file that you added in step 1 (/config/gigamon/imagesRepo/fma5700.img).
To upgrade a GigaVUE-FM using internal image files, do the following:
Download the images from the Gigamon website and place them where they can be available for uploading to GigaVUE-FM. |
To obtain software images, register on the Gigamon Customer Portal and download the software.
Upload the images file to GigaVUE-FM. |
On the left navigation pane, click and select to System > Images > Internal Image Files. |
On the Internal Image File page, click Upload. |
Click Browse to locate the image file. |
Click OK to upload the file. The page displays the progress of the upload. |
After the upload completes, you can see the GigaVUE-FM image to use for the upgrade on the Internal Images Files page.
Click the Admin drop-down list on the top right of the window and select Upgrade. |
On the FM Image Upgrade page, click in the Image Server field and select Internal Image Server. |
From the Version drop-down list, select the version to which you are upgrading. |
Note: You can only upgrade to another instance of the current version or the immediate next version. Downgrading to a lower version is not supported through the UI.
Note: When you change the IP address of the GigaVUE‑FM instance using the jump-start configuration, the internal database and the in-memory caches of the GigaVUE‑FM instance are not updated. The Database continues to have the IP address of the old GigaVUE‑FM, and the image upgrade using the internal server option does not work. To fix this, you must restart the GigaVUE-FM instance after upgrade.
On the left navigation pane, click
, to monitor the progress and status of the upgrade and select Events on the left navigation pane. Also, email notifications are sent if email notifications have been configured.
After upgrading GigaVUE-FM, you must also upgrade any deployed GigaVUE-VMs. Otherwise, maps may not work and the GigaVUE-VMs will be unreachable. For information about upgrading GigaVUE-VM, refer to the “Bulk Upgrading GigaVUE-VM Nodes” section in the GigaVUE Cloud Suite for VMware—GigaVUE-VM Guide .
Note: If you are using FireFox, clear the cache before upgrading to prevent issues with the browser.