Configure AWS Settings

This section provides information on how to configure the maximum number of connections, refresh intervals for instance and non-instance inventory, and maximum batch size for monitoring session updates.

Navigate to Inventory > VIRTUAL > AWS > Settings.

In the Settings page, select Advanced tab to edit these AWS settings.



Maximum number of connections allowed

Specifies the maximum number of VPC connections you can establish in GigaVUE-FM.

Refresh interval for instance target selection inventory (secs)

Specifies the frequency for updating the state of EC2 instances in AWS.

Refresh interval for fabric deployment inventory (secs)

Specifies the frequency for deploying the fabric nodes

Number of instances per V Series Node

Specifies the maximum number of instances that can be assigned to the GigaVUE V Series node.

You can modify the number of instances for the nitro-based instance types

Refresh interval for G-vTAP Agent inventory (secs)

Specifies the frequency for discovering the G-vTAP Agents available in the VPC.

G-vTAP Agent Tunnel Type

Specifies the G-vTAP Agent Tunnel Type

AWS secret region

Specifies the AWS secret region. The following are the available AWS secret regions:

  • C2S—Commercial Cloud Services. Refer to GigaVUE Cloud Suite for AWS Secret Regions Guide for more information.
  • SC2S—Secret Commercial Cloud Services. Refer to GigaVUE Cloud Suite for AWS Secret Regions Guide for more information.
  • Other—Regular AWS Cloud Services

Refer Troubleshoot AWS Cloud Issues to troubleshoot the AWS Settings issues.