Bulk Upload Tags
GigaVUE‑FM allows you to, instantaneously:
- Bulk upload a large number of tag keys and tag values.
- Assign tags to the resources such as devices, ports, and maps.
Use the Import and Export Tags as Resources options in the Tags page to upload/download a CSV file containing the required fields:
- For bulk uploading tags: CSV file must contain tag key, tag value, description and other associated details.
- For Assigning tags to resources: CSV file must contain the resource type, resource id, tag key, tag values.
The tag keys and tag values will be added, deleted or replaced in GigaVUE‑FM based on the following criteria:
Action | Scenario | Update in GigaVUE‑FM |
Append | Tag key and tag values are not present in GigaVUE‑FM, but are defined in the CSV file. | Tag key and tag values will get added. |
Tag key and tag value are not present in GigaVUE‑FM, but the tag key is defined in the CSV file without tag values. | Tag key with tag value 'All' will get added. | |
The tag key present in GigaVUE‑FM matches with the tag key defined in the CSV file, however tag values defined in the CSV file are not present in GigaVUE‑FM (either the complete set of tag values, or a subset of tag values). | Tag values will be merged. | |
Tag keys and tag values present in GigaVUE‑FM match exactly with the tag keys and tag values defined in the CSV file, however the CSV file indicates changes to the property of the tags (Multivalued, Type, Hierarchical) | The property of the tag keys and tag values will be updated as per the CSV file. | |
Tag keys and tag values present in GigaVUE‑FM matches exactly with the tag keys and tag values defined in the CSV file.
No updates. | |
Delete | Tag key and tag values defined in the CSV file are not present in GigaVUE‑FM. | No updates. |
Tag key and tag values defined in the CSV file match exactly with tag keys and tag values in GigaVUE‑FM. |
Tag key and tag values will be deleted. |
Tag key defined in the CSV file is also present in GigaVUE‑FM, however the tag values defined in the CSV file are only a subset of what is present in GigaVUE‑FM | Tag key is not deleted, but tag values defined in the CSV file are deleted. | |
Replace | Tag key and tag values are not present in GigaVUE‑FM, but are defined in the CSV file. | Tag key and tag values will get added. |
Tag key and tag value are not present in GigaVUE‑FM, but the tag key is defined in the CSV file without tag values. | Tag key with tag value 'All' will get added. | |
Tag keys and tag values present in GigaVUE‑FM matches exactly with the tag keys and tag values defined in the CSV file. |
No updates. | |
The tag key present in GigaVUE‑FM matches with the tag key defined in the CSV file, however tag values defined in the CSV file are not present in GigaVUE‑FM (either the complete set of tag values, or a subset of tag values). | Tag values will get replaced as per the CSV file. | |
The tag key present in GigaVUE‑FM matches with the tag key defined in the CSV file, however tag values are not defined in the CSV file | Tag key is updated and all tag values except 'All' will be deleted | |
Tag keys and tag values present in GigaVUE‑FM match exactly with the tag keys and tag values defined in the CSV file, however the CSV file indicates changes to the property of the tags (Multivalued, Type, Hierarchical) | The property of the tag keys and tag values will be updated as per the CSV file. |
Import Tags
To import a CSV file that has tags or tag resources:
On the left navigation pane, click
and select Tags.
- Click Import.
- In the Import Tags page that appears, you can perform the following actions:
- Append: Appends a new set of tag keys, tag value to the existing list.
- Replace: Replaces the existing tags keys and tag values.
- Delete: Deletes the tag keys and tag values.
Note: Refer to table in the previous section to understand the conditions based on which the tags will be appended, deleted or replaced.
- Click Select to browse and select the CSV file.
- Key
- Values
- Description
- Multi Valued
- Type
- Hierarchical
- Resource Type
- Resource ID
- Key
- Values
- Propagated Values
- Click Submit. A pop-up appears in the bottom right corner of the page with the status..
- Click on the link in the pop-up to navigate to the Audit Logs page.
The Audit Logs page displays the log entries for the added, deleted and replaced tags. There will not be any log entries if the tag keys/tag values were skipped from being updated in GigaVUE‑FM.
To import tags: The CSV file must contain the following fields:
See the following image:
To import tags for resources: The CSV file must contain the following fields:
Note: Use the Last Tagging Activity button to view the pop-up again for the last activity performed.
Export Tag Resources
GigaVUE-FM allows you to export the tag keys and tag values for resources to a CSV file format from the following pages:
- Tags page
- Physical Nodes Page
- Ports Page
- Maps Page
To export from Tags Page
On the left navigation pane, click
and select Tags.
- Click Export Tag Resources button.
The tags keys and tag values for all the resources (Devices, ports and maps) will be exported to the CSV file:
To export from Physical Nodes page
1. | On the left navigation pane, click on ![]() |
2. | Select the required device or devices for which you need to export the tags. |
3. | Click Tags and select Export Tags for Selected in the drop-down. |
The tag keys and tag values associated to a device will be exported to the CSV file:
Note: Click Tags and select Export Tag Resources for Selected to export tag keys and tag values associated to a specific device and to the associated resources such as ports and maps.
To export the tags from the Ports or Maps page
From the Ports or Maps page, click Tags and select Export All tags. The tag keys and tag values associated to all the ports or maps will be exported to the CSV file.
Note: You need not select the individual ports or maps to export the tags.