Generate Sysdump or Debug Dump File
You can generate the system dump files for all the nodes that are part of a cluster by logging into the leader leader in clustering node relationship (formerly master). However, to download the system dump file for a node, you must log into the respective node. For standalone nodes, log into the respective nodes to generate, view, download, or delete the system dump files.
To generate the system dump file for nodes in a cluster:
On the left navigation pane, click
, and then select Physical > Nodes
Select a cluster ID, and then from the left navigation pane, go to Support > Debug > Sysdump.
Click Generate. The Generate Debug File quick access view appears.
Either select the All Host Names check box to generate the debug files for all the nodes that are part of the cluster or select the required host name from the Host Name drop-down list to generate the debug file for the respective node.
Click Generate.
To generate the system dump file for a standalone node:
On the left navigation pane, click
, and then select Physical > Nodes
Select a standalone node, and then from the left navigation pane, go to Support > Debug > Sysdump.
Click Generate.