In 5G traffic, 5QI values present in the control traffic and its associated Flow Identifiers (QFI) value are correlated and the data traffic is sent to the tools. 5QoS Flow Identifiers (QFI) identifies each QoS (Quality of Service) flows.

5QI sampling are performed based on the QoS flows instead of using other subscriber filtering parameters such as SUPI, PEI, GPSI, DNN

You can configure 5QI along with other filtering parameters such as SUPI, PEI, GPSI, DNN, NSAI.

Rules and Notes

Keep in mind the following rules and notes when you work with the 5G RAN Correlation feature:

  • 5QI does not support whitelisting.
  • Whitelisting can be performed based on SUPI.

Configure 5QI in 5G Flow Sampling

To configure 5QI in 5G Flow Sampling, follow these steps:


Task Description UI Steps

Configure a GigaSMARTgroup and associate with a GigaSMART engine port.

  1. From the device view, select GigaSMART > GigaSMART Groups.
  2. Click New.
  3. Type an alias in the Alias field and enter an engine port in the Port List field.
  4. In 3GPP & CUPS, select Control Plane 5G in the Node role.
  5. Click Save.



Create a virtual port.

  1. From the device view, select GigaSMART > Virtual Ports.
  2. In the Alias field, type an alias for this virtual port.
  3. Type an alias in the Alias field.
  4. From the GigaSMART Groups drop-down list, select the GigaSMART group created in task 1.
  5. Click Save.


Configure three first level maps.

  1. Configure the first map as follows:

    • From the device view, select Maps > Maps.

    • Click New.

    • Alias: Type an alias in the Alias filed.
    • Type and subtype: First Level By Rule.
    • Source: network port or ports.
    • Destination: virtual port created in Task 2.
    • Rule: Pass, Bi- Directional, Port Destination 2123.
    • Map Permissions: Select current user’s group for Owner.
    • Save the map.
  2. Configure the second map as follows:

    • From the device view, select Maps > Maps.

    • Click New.
    • Alias: Type an alias in the Alias filed.
    • Type and subtype: First Level By Rule

    • Destination: virtual port created in Task 2.
    • Source: Same network port or ports as first map.
    • Rule: Pass, Bi Directional, Port Destination 2152.

    • Map Permissions: Select current user’s group for Owner.

    • Save the map.

    c. Configure the third map as follows:

    • From the device view, select Maps > Maps.

    • Click New.

    • Alias: Fragments-Not-First
    • Type and subtype: First Level By Rule
    • Source: Same network port or ports as first map
    • Destination: virtual port created in Task 2
    • Rule: Pass, IPv4 Fragmentation and select allFragNoFirst
    • Map Permissions: Select current user’s group for Owner
    • Save the map.


Configure the GigaSMARToperation.

  1. From the device view, select GigaSMART > GigaSMART Operations.
  2. Click New.
  3. Type an alias in the Alias field.
  4. Select the GigaSMART group created in task1.
  5. From the GigaSMART Operations (GSOP) drop-down, select Flow Sampling - 5G.
  6. For Load Balancing, do the following:

    • Choose Stateful
    • For Type, select 5G
    • Choose Hashing for the metric, and select IMSI.
    • Click Save.


Configure a second level map for 5G flow sampling map. The traffic flow is sampled based on the rules in this map.

    1. Select Maps > Maps > Maps.
    2. Click New.

    3. Configure the map.

      • Type 5G-Sample-01 in the Alias field.

      • Select Second Level for Type.
      • Select Flow Sample 5G for Subtype.

      • Select the virtual port configured in Task 2 for the Source.

      • Select a tool port for the Destination.

      • Select the GigaSMART Operation configured in Task1 from the GSOP list.

    4. Use the Add a Rule button to create the required flow sampling rules. The flow sampling rules that are applicable for the various 5G Correlation functionalities are as follows:
      • SUPI

      • PEI
      • GPSI
      • DNN
      • NSIID
      • PLMNID - To specify PLMNID, MCC and MNC values are mandatory. MCC must have 3 characters. MNC values ranges between 1 to 3. MNC supports wildcard.
      • TAC - To specify TAC, use hexadecimal format and wildcard. The maximum characters allowed are 4, and the minimum characters are 2.
      • NCI - To specify NCI, use hexadecimal format and wildcard. The maximum characters allowed are 9, and the minimum length is 4.
      • 5QI- To specify a QCI, use a value from 0 to 255. A wildcard prefix or suffix is not supported. QCI can only be used in flow sampling map rules in combination with APN.
    5. Click Save.