Deploy GCB HTTP Service

Follow the below instructions to deploy GCB HTTP service in your Kubernetes environment:

Note:  Contact Contact Technical Support or Contact Sales for the GCB images and YAML files.

  1. The following is sample data that can be entered into your YAML file. Edit your YAML file based on the sample given below. Do not copy and paste this content in your YAML file:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: gcb-http-service
        app: gcb-http
        service: gcb-http-service
      # change the namespace to match your namespace
      namespace: default
      - port: 9443
        name: https
        app: gcb-http

    The following table gives a description of all the field values in the YAML file that is updated:

    Field Value Description
    9443The GCB Controller REST service port number. This must be opened on your GigaVUE‑FM to allow inbound traffic to Kubernetes.
  2. Using the YAML file, Kubernetes creates the defined GCB HTTP service.