Follow the instructions below to deployGCBHTTP PODs in your Kubernetes environment:

Note:  Contact Contact Technical Support or Contact Sales for the GCB images and YAML files.

  1. In your Kubernetes orchestrator, edit the GCBHTTP POD image name, commands, and other required information in a YAML file. The following is sample data that can be entered into your YAML file. Edit your YAML file based on the sample given below.Do notcopy and paste this content into your YAML file:
    name: gcb-http
    - # /gcb-http
    - # PORT for RX 
    - # mTLS-Flag(T/F)  
    - # CERT_FILE 
    - # KEY_FILE
    - # CA_CERT_FILE 
    - # CA_VERIFY(T/F)
    - # default destination ip (if not configured from GigaVUE-FM)  
    - # (1=> default, 0=> rule)
    - # (1=> L2GRE, 3=> VXLAN)
    image: gigamon/gcb-http:<version>
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: GCB_DEBUG_MODEvalue: "0x00000F15"
    value: "0x031A2F14"
    - name: GCB_SERVICE_NAME
    - name: GCB_CNTLR_SVC_DNS 
      #value: "<GCB-CNTLR-SVC-NAME.GCB-CNTLR-NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local" 
      value: "gigamon-gcb-cntlr-service.default.svc.cluster.local"
    # port used to receive configuration from FM
      value: '8443'
    - name: GCB_POD_NAMESPACE 
    fieldPath: metadata.namespace

    The following table gives a description of all the field values in the YAML file that are changed or updated:

    Field Value Description

    PORT for RX

    HTTP port number for ingress traffic
    Example: 9443

    mTLS-Flag (True/False)

    Enable or disable mTLS between Pcapper and GCB.


    SSL/TLS certificates
    Example: server-certificate-chain.pem


    Private key for the certificate
    Example: server-private-key.pem


    CA root certificate
    Example: ca-root-crt-chain.crt

    CA_VERIFY (True/False)

    Enable or disable verification of the certificate files.

    default destination ip

    Default Destination IP (if not being configured from FM)

    (1=> default, 0=> rule)(0/1) Enter 1 to use the default destination IP, or enter 0 to use the rules configured by GigaVUE-FM
    (1=> L2GRE, 3=> VXLAN)(1/3) Enter 1 to use the L2GRE tunnel type, or enter 3 to use the VXLAN tunnel type.
    gigamon/gcb-http:<version>GCB Controller image name and version. Make sure to use the latest image version.

    The hex value for GCB debugging. This value must be in the 0x00[aaaa][b][c] format, where:

    • aaaa is the number of pcaps

    • b is 1 to create pcap and 0 is not to create pcap

    • c is the log level ranges from 0 to 4


    The hex value for GCB debugging. This value must be in the 0xdd[aaaa][b][c] format, where:

    • aaaa is a hex value for the number of pcap messages to maintain before rollover

    • b is 0 = do not create pcap or 1 = create pcap

    • c is level. Level with 1 =fatal, 2 =error, 3 =info, 4 =debug

    • dd is the log file size multiplier

      • dd = 0|1 - means default log file size (approx. 100,000 lines)

      • dd = 08 - means 8 * default log file size (approx. 8*100,0000 lines)

      • dd = FF = 255 - means (255*100,000 lines)

    GCB_CNTLR_SVC_DNSGCB Controller Service Number. This value must match the metadata used for GCB Controller.
    Example: gigamon-gcb-cntlr-service.default.svc.cluster.local
    GCB_CNTLR_REST_SVC_PORTThe GCB Controller REST service port number. This must be opened on your GigaVUE‑FM to allow inbound traffic to Kubernetes.
  2. Using the YAML file, Kubernetes automatically downloads and deploys the defined GCB HTTP PODs.