Rack-Mounting Procedure

Use the following procedure to rack-mount the GigaVUE‑HC1 chassis:

1.   Decide whether you want to front-mount or center-mount the chassis in the rack. Front-mounted nodes will sit flush with the front of the rack while center-mounted nodes will extend in front of it.

Note:  The GigaVUE‑HC1 chassis is not shipped with its standard rack ears attached. However, they are available in the accessory kit. Install the rack ears facing towards the node for a front-mounting position. You can reverse the direction of the rack-ears to center-mount the node.

Figure 2 Rack Ears for Front Mount (Reverse Rack Ears for Center Mount)
2. Make sure you have not installed any modules in the chassis yet. Gigamon recommends rack-mounting the GigaVUE‑HC1 chassis before installing modules to make it easier to handle the chassis during the installation.
3. Select a suitable location for the rack that will hold the GigaVUE‑HC1 chassis. Choose a location that is clean, dust free, and well-ventilated. You will need access to grounded power sources. Avoid areas where heat, electrical wire, and electromagnetic fields are generated.

Plan for enough clearance in front of a rack so you can access the modules easily (approximately 25in [63.50cm]) and enough clearance in the back of the rack to allow sufficient airflow and installation of the rear components such as power supply modules.

4. Locate an open 1RU rack space and lift the node into place. It takes two people to lift to place the GigaVUE‑HC1 in the rack. Insert a screw through the rack ear on each side into the rack, to hold the node in place. Tighten the screws.
5. Carefully lift the chassis into the rack and place a screw on each side to hold the chassis.
6. Tighten the screws and add additional screws to secure the node. Use two screws on each rack ear.