Step 4: Configure GigaVUE-FM Tunnels and Virtual Maps

NSX-T traffic needs to be sent to the H-Series device. A tunnel must be created in the Tunnels Library that defines the destination port to which the traffic is to be sent.

Virtual maps are also needed to monitor NSX-T traffic. A separate map needs to be created for each separate GigaSMART tunnel destination to send NSX-T traffic, or if a specific map rule or slicing is required. If the same parameters are applied for all NSX-T traffic, only one map is required to handle all NSX-T traffic. Creating a map creates a corresponding profile in NSX-T that is used to associate the NSX-T traffic with the virtual map during service chain creation.

Create Tunnel to GigaSMART Device

To create a tunnel in GigaVUE-FM:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Virtual.
  2. On the left navigation pane, under NSX-T, select Management > Tunnels Library.
  3. Click Add to open the Add Tunnel Endpoint page. The page displays a list of available GigaVUE tunnels, if the H-series device is a physical node.

    If the list of tunnels is displayed, do the following:
    1. Select the tunnel that is configured to receive traffic from NSX-T.
    2. Enter the Tunnel Source Port. This value will be used on the H-Series GigaSMART device to specify the source port from which the mirrored traffic is originating. The port range is from 0 to 65535.

    If the desired GigaVUE tunnel was not discovered, the tunnel was not configured properly on the H Series device. For information on how to configure the tunnel, refer to Configure Tunnel Endpoint.

  4. Click OK. A Tunnel Endpoint is created.

To view the status of the virtual nodes, navigate to NSX-T > Virtual Nodes. The NSX-T Virtual Nodes page displays the list of GigaVUE-VMs and respective details.

Create Virtual Maps in GigaVUE-FM

To create a virtual map:

1.   On the top navigation bar, click Virtual.
2. On the left navigation pane, select NSX-T > Virtual Maps and then click New. The NSX-T Virtual Map page appears.
3. On the NSX-T Virtual Map page, do the following:
a. For Alias, enter an alias that will help you identify this map.
b. For Comments, enter any additional comments for the Virtual Map.
c. For Tunnel Destination, click in the field and select the GigaSMART tunnel destination to which NSX-T traffic will be sent.
d. For vCenter, select the VMware vCenter registered with the NSX-T Manager to be monitored.
e. (Optional) Click Add a Rule if you need slicing or filtering beyond what the NSX-T security filtering policy provides.
f. Click Save. A Virtual Map is created and you can view the Virtual Map in the SERVICE PROFILES tab of Network Introspection (E-W) page in NSX-T.

The GigaVUE-FM virtual maps is distributed to every GigaVUE-VM installed in the NSX-T clusters and an NSX-T Profile is also created for the map.

Note:  GigaVUE-FM verifies the NSX-T license while creating or updating the Virtual Map.