Create Tunnel Endpoint
The section provides the steps for creating a GigaVUE-VM tunnel to a GigaSMART device from a virtual environment.
To create a tunnel, do the following:
Navigate to the Tunnels Library page. |
Select the environment that you want to work with under Virtual in the Navigation pane, and then select Management > Tunnels Library.
The GigaVUE tunnels discovered should be displayed on the Add Tunnels Endpoint page as shown in Figure 1: Adding a Tunnel Endpoint. If it is displayed, do the following: |
Select the tunnel that is configured to receive traffic from the GigaVUE-VMs. |
Enter the Tunnel Source Port. |
This value can be used on the H Series GigaSMART device to associate which source port the mirrored traffic is originating from. Enter 1 if this is not expected to be used.
For more information about tunnel source ports, refer to Tunnel Configuration Options.
Click OK.
Figure 2
Adding a Tunnel Endpoint |
If the desired GigaVUE tunnel was not discovered, the tunnel was not configured correctly for it to be eligible for a GigaVUE-VM endpoint. For information about correctly configuring the tunnel, refer to Configure H Series IP Interfaces for the GigaVUE-VM Tunnel Library.
For non-Gigamon tunnels, you must enter the tunnel information manually by doing the following:
For Type, select GMIP, L2GRE, or ERSPAN |
If you select, ERSPAN, only the Destination Tunnel IP field is displayed. If you select, L2GRE, the Destination Tunnel IP, DSCP, and Fragmentation fields are displayed.
Specify the following: |
Tunnel Destination Port
If a tunnel source port is not expected to be used, enter 1.
For more information about the tunnel IP and the tunnel source and destination ports, refer to Tunnel Configuration Options.
(Optional) Select the DSCP value. For more information on DSCP, refer to DSCP. |
(Optional) Enable Fragmentation to allow GigaVUE-VM to fragment large packets. For more information on fragmentation, refer to Tunnel Configuration Options. |
Figure 2: Adding a non-GigaVUE Tunnel Endpoint shows an example of a manually configured tunnel endpoint.

Figure 3
Adding a non-GigaVUE Tunnel Endpoint |