Access the Command-Line Interface over the Console Port

Use the console port on the left side of the base chassis to access the GigaVUE‑HC1 as follows:

1.   Make the basic power and console cable connections described in Connecting Serial Console and Mgmt Ports and power on GigaVUE‑HC1.
2. Start a terminal application on the PC. Common terminal applications include TeraTerm, PuTTY, and Hyperterminal.
3. Select the COM port connected to the console cable attached to control module. For example, COM1.
4. Configure the port settings for the console connection as follows:
Bits per second – 115,200
Data bits – 8
Parity – None
Stop bits – 1
Flow control – None

Figure 1 Setting COM Port Properties for the Console Connection shows an example of how these settings are configured in Hyperterminal.


Figure 5 Setting COM Port Properties for the Console Connection
5. Start the terminal connection. You may need to press Enter a few times before you see the login: prompt.
6. Log in to the command-line interface with the following default user account and password:



Starting in software version 4.7, the configuration jump-start automatically starts and forces a password change.

The system administrator must change the password on the default admin account through the jump-start script. The default password (admin123A!) is no longer allowed. Refer to Run the Jump-Start Script for details.

A password must meet the following standards:

include 8-30 characters
include at least one numeral
include at least one upper case letter
include at least one lower case letter
include at least one special character (for example, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, or * –
ASCII 0x21, 0x2F, 0x3A, 0x40, 0x5B, 0x5F, 0x7B, 0x7E)

At the Admin password? prompt in the jump-start script, enter a new password that meets the standards, then confirm the password.

You will also configure some Admin and Monitor level users with the procedure described in Initial User Account Configuration.