Traffic Filtering

This section describes the core intelligence provided by GigaVUE-OS and managed through GigaVUE-FM that can be used to optimize your network traffic flow.

Core intelligence is...

You can use the GigaVUE‑OS traffic management capabilities within GigaVUE-FM by accessing the device that has been added to the fabric manager from the GigaVUE-FM interface. The Traffic option appears in the navigation pane of the device view on supported devices.

To access traffic operations from the GigaVUE-FM interface:

1.   Select Physical from the top navigation menu.

This displays the list of Devices/Cluster Nodes managed by this instance of FM.

2. Click the Cluster ID of any node to open the node.

The Traffic option is displayed on left navigation pane.

Traffic management topics:

See also:

GigaSMART® Operations
About Cluster