GigaSMART® Operations

Use the GigaSMART Operations page to create GigaSMART® operations. GigaSMART operations consist of a name and a supported combination of the available GigaSMART applications that you have licensed.

Refer to How to Combine GigaSMART Operations for details on supported combinations of GigaSMART operations.
Refer to Order of GigaSMART Operations for information on the order in which GigaSMART components are applied in a single operation.

The details of each GigaSMART operation are described in the following sections, organized by solution type:

Application Intelligence

These GigaSMART operations provide network and application visibility to increase the efficiency of security and analytic tools:

Application Intelligence
Application Session Filtering

Subscriber Intelligence

These GigaSMART operations provide network and subscriber visibility to increase the efficiency of network monitoring, security, and customer experience tools:

GTP Correlation
Diameter S6a Correlation
SIP/RTP Correlation

Traffic Intelligence

These GigaSMART operations provide network visibility to increase the efficiency of network performance tools:

Adaptive Packet Filtering
Advanced Load Balancing
Flow Masking
Header Stripping
NetFlow Generation
SSL/TLS Decryption

For additional information about working with GigaSMART operations, refer to:

About GigaSMART Applications for devices that support GigaSMART.
Work with GigaSMART Operations for rules, tips, and general guidance about working with GigaSMART Operations.
Create GigaSMART Operations – A Summary to get started with GigaSMART.
GigaSMART Logs to learn about GigaSMART application logs.

For information about the types of licenses available, how to add and activate GigaSMART licenses, refer to the GigaVUE-OS and GigaVUE-FM Administration Guide.